Light Brings Salt


Volume 3, Issue 42                                                                        November 6, 2005

Iron Range Bible Church

Dedicated to the Systematic Exposition of the Word of God


Psychology A Trojan Horse?

Dr. G. Harry Leafe


Multitudes of Christians view psychology with respect and awe. It is paradoxical that at a time when more and more secular psychological researchers are demonstrating less and less confidence in psychological counseling, more and more Christians are pursuing it in one way or another. Christian counseling centers are springing up all over the nation offering what many believe to be the perfect combination:  Christianity plus psychology. Furthermore, Christians who are not even in counseling look to what psychologists say about how to live, how to relate to others, and how to meet the challenges of life.

See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ. (Col. 2:8)

The world offers all kinds of ideas that clearly stand in opposition to the Bible. However, the greatest problems for Christians are not from those of clear contradiction of Scripture such as direct denial of God or blatant atheism. Jesus warned us: Watch out and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees. (Matt. 16:6)  Paul adds: Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough? (1 Cor.  5:6)

One of the most subtle and dangerous deceptions today is a slow acting poisonous leaven which is permeating the church. The leaven easily entered the liberal churches under the guise of science and medicine. It gave people something to hang onto as their faith in the inspired Word of God waned. The leaven then spread to conservative churches, Bible colleges and seminaries.

In their desire to help the sheep and expand church growth, many pastors have added that same leaven to the Word of God. They have been taking what appears to be good for the bleeding sheep and fed it to the entire flock. The leaven has been like a food additive which seems to have positive benefits, but which eventually weakens the flock.


What is this insidious leaven and why would seminaries and pastors who truly care for their flocks be promoting this leaven in the church? The leaven is psychology. Psychological leaven consists of secular theories and techniques which are "according to the traditions of men.''  They are man-made ideas which offer substitutes for salvation and sanctification.

In referring to the leaven of psychology the whole field of psychological study is not included. What is being referred to is that part of psychology which deals with the nature of man, how he should live, and how he can change. It involves values, attitudes and behavior.

Because testimonies of success and happiness abound, many eagerly follow the promises of this psychological way. However, few ever read about the failures. Extensive illustrations can be given to demonstrate the fact that the psychological explanations about life and psychological solutions to life's problems are questionable at best, detrimental at worst, and spiritual counterfeits at least.

Although some have recognized the contradictions, failures, and false promises, many continue to think in psychological terms and turn to psychology for answers to life's dilemmas. Our twentieth-century culture is steeped in psychological theories and ideas. In fact it so pervades our thinking that we do not even think twice about the origin of some of the psychological ideas we take for granted every day.


But, how does all of this relate to the church? Just because secular psychologies out in the world reek of anti-Christian bias, contradictions, and failures, does it follow that psychology in the church is also contaminated? Unfortunately what has been labeled "Christian psychology'' is made up of the very same confusion of contradictory theories and techniques. Well meaning psychologists who profess Christianity have merely borrowed the theories and techniques from secular psychology. They dispense what they believe to be the perfect blend of psychology and Christianity. Nevertheless, the psychology they use is the same as that used by non-Christian psychologists and psychiatrists. They use the theories and techniques devised by such men as Freud, Jung, Rogers, Janov, Ellis, Adler, Berne., Fromm,  Maslov, and many others, none of whom embraced Christianity or developed a psychological system from the Word of God.

The Christian Association for Psychological Studies (CAPS) is a group of psychologists and psychological counselors who are professing Christians.  At one of their meetings the following comment was made in one of the papers presented: We are often asked if we are "Christian psychologists'' and find it difficult to answer since we don't know what the question implies. We are Christians who are psychologists but at the present time there is no acceptable Christian psychology that is markedly different from non-Christian psychology. It is difficult to imply that we function in a manner that is fundamentally distinct from our non-Christian yet there is not an acceptable theory, mode of research or treatment methodology that is distinctly Christian.

Although Christian psychological counselors claim to have taken only those elements of psychology that fit with Christianity, anything can be made to fit the Bible, no matter how silly or even satanic it is. Each Christian therapist brings his own individual psychology borrowed from the world to the Bible and modifies the Word to make it fit. What they use comes from the bankrupt systems of ungodly and unscientific theories and techniques.

Christians who seek to integrate psychology with Christianity have actually turned to secular, ungodly sources for help. And, because these unbiblical, unsubstantiated theories and techniques have been blended into the dough, they are well hidden in the loaf. Thus many Christians honestly believe that they are using only a purified, Christianized psychology. Instead, we are left with a contaminated loaf, not with the unleavened bread of the Word of God. A.W. Tozer declares: At the heart of the Christian system lies the cross of Christ with its divine paradox. The power of Christianity appears in its antipathy toward, never in its agreement with, the ways of fallen men....The cross stands in bold opposition to the natural man. Its philosophy runs contrary to the processes of the unregenerate mind, so that Paul could say bluntly that the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness. To try to find a common ground between the message of the cross and man's fallen reason is to try the impossible, and if persisted in must result in an impaired reason, a meaningless cross and a powerless Christianity.


The psychological seduction of Christianity is the most subtle and widespread leaven in the church today. It has permeated the entire loaf and is stealthily starving the sheep. It promises far more than it can deliver and what it does deliver is not the food that nourishes Christians. Jesus said, '' I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me shall not hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.'' (John 6:35) Jesus also said, ``I am the way the truth and the life,'' (John 14:6) not Freud, Jung, Adler, Rogers, Maslow, or Ellis or any other such men. Jesus, the apostles, and the early church did not send the sheep out to feed in other pastures. They did not turn to man-made systems either to understand the nature of man or to discover answers to the problems of living. Jesus offered Himself as the bread of life. He gives the pure water of the Word of God which springs up into eternal life.

Pastors have been called to feed the sheep the "unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.'' (1 Cor 5:8) Yet, many shepherds who have been influenced by the psychological way are ministering the leaven of psychology and subjecting suffering sheep to professional psychological counseling.

This psychological seduction of Christianity is not simply a future event that may occur. It has already happened. It is not something that is about to take place or merely in the process of taking place. The leaven is already in the loaf and is spreading at incredible speed. The leaven of the psychological way has already spread beyond the pastor's study right into many of their sermons. It permeates Christian media and floods the field of Christian literature.

In attempting to be relevant, many preachers, teachers, counselors, and writers promote a psychological perspective of life rather than a theological one. The church has joined The Psychological Society and has become the PSYCHOLOGIZED CHURCH. The symbol of psychology overshadows the cross of Christ, and psychological jargon contaminates the Word of God.

This departure from the fundamental truth of the Word of God is to the use of the unproven and unscientific psychological opinions of men instead of absolute confidence in the biblical truth of God.

What William Law wrote two centuries ago is even more evident today:  "Man needs to be saved from his own wisdom as much as from his own righteousness, for they produce one and the same corruption.''  Besides offering only the dregs of the broken cisterns of man-made ideas rather than the fresh springs of living water, the theories of psychological counseling poison the soul. They draw a person away from the True Bread and the Living Water. Furthermore, once a person has embraced the psychological way he becomes vulnerable to greater and greater deceptions.

The Bible is the true food for the church, but it is also an excellent hiding place for deceptive ideas. A lie placed in the midst of truth often goes unnoticed and may be as fully accepted as the Gospel Truth. In fact, the shepherds are often unaware of the deceptive nature of the leaven they are adding to the loaf. They have actually bought into a whole philosophy of living that is antithetical to the Word of God.


They generally believe four major myths about the psychological way which we will examine next week.