Light Brings Salt


Volume 2, Issue 41                                                                                 October 31, 2004

Iron Range Bible Church

Dedicated to the Systematic Exposition of the Word of God



Christianity-The Culture-The National Election

by Ron Merryman


Historically, Christianity has always confronted some aspect of cultural norms and standards. Picture Jesus cleansing the Jewish Temple (John 2): or Peter confronting the Sanhedrin (Acts 4): or Paul challenging the city fathers and pagan philosophers of Athens (Acts 17). Illustrations of evangelical and biblical-cultural-confrontation abound: Columba in Scotland exposing the Druid paganism before King Brude, Luther at Wittenberg, Zwingli in Zurich, Jonathon Edwards in America, Wesley in England. Were any of these Greats alive today, we could expect confrontation with the neo-paganism rampant both in modern America and in the culture of western civilization.


Romanticizing Ancient Athens

We have inherited a romanticized view of Greco-Roman culture from secular historians who extol its resurrection during the Renaissance (many of whom would wish the Reformation had never taken place!). Recent worldwide coverage of the Olympic Games in Athens illustrates the point. NBC's Katy Couric with close-ups and scenic views of the Parthenon filled television screens daily across America.

The Today Show even had an historian comment on the nature and magnificence of this ancient architectural structure. Much to the delight of native Grecians, the glories of their ancient past were extolled.

I hate to be a skunk at a garden party, but ancient Greek culture had much that needed challenging... and Christianity initially expressed in Athens by the Apostle Paul proved the perfect challenge! He delivered a blow to the culture's solar plexus in his message at Mar's

Hill: And Paul stood in the midst of the Areopagus and said, "Men of Athens, I observe that you are very religious in all respects.  For while I was passing through and examining the objects of your worship, I also found an altar with this inscription, 'TO AN UNKNOWN GOD.' What therefore you worship in ignorance, this I proclaim to you. " (Acts 17:22-23)


Paul and the Athenian Culture

Paul cut to the heart of the matter: the religious nature of the people and the nature of the gods they invented and then worshipped. It was not that they were non-religious. They were in fact scrupulously religious! Since men invented these deities, they modeled all the evils, corruption, and calamities of the human race: they lied, schemed, raped, committed incest, warred against one another, just as do men.

And lest the Athenians offend a god of whom they were ignorant, they erected a statue "To the unknown god." They religiously sought to cover all the bases! Sounds like something you would see or hear at Harvard University.

Paul's rational challenge runs like this (v.23):    -"I OBSERVED the objects (idols) of your worship..."

-"I SAW the altar dedicated `To the Unknown God'... in worship, you acknowledge your ignorance..."

-"I AM ANNOUNCING to you who this unknown God is: He is knowable."



Keeping Athens in Balance

Keep Athens and it culture in balance. It was the most celebrated city of the ancient world, the seat of Greek literature, architecture, philosophy, rhetoric, and art forms during the golden period of Grecian history. Even in Paul's day, Athens, as the chief cultural and educational capital of the world, was rivaled only by Alexandria. But from Divine viewpoint, it was a city given to idolatry! Does this sound familiar?

Athenians were ignorant of the one true God and His absolute holiness. In a snowballing effect, the culture mimicked its gods and the gods the culture. The Parthenon was the Temple of the goddess Athena with male and female prostitute priests and priestesses as part of the common ritual worship. Among the aristocrats, intellectuals, and military elites, pederasty (pedophilia focused on young boys) was the norm. The rape of a woman was considered a crime against her husband or father, not against her. Women occupied a place on the social scale just slightly above slaves. Bisexuality was common throughout the society, and homosexuality was widely accepted. Slaves were considered sub-human, disposable physical property. Include all this in your repository of Greco-Roman culture!

The Apostle Paul well knew the evils of that culture, but his message focused on the nature and actions of the one true God and His Son, Jesus Christ.  Paul's Athenian experience illustrates that: -culture is not the answer;  -philosophy is not the answer; -human-viewpoint education is not the answer; -rhetoric is not the answer.


Christianity has always challenged some aspect of the culture. The real issue: How does Jesus Christ fit the cultural scene? What are HEALTHY cultural norms and standards from Christ's point of view? We are not talking Theocracy Here Biblically informed people are not looking for a theocratic government: they know that that waits solely on the Second Coming  of Christ. It is not ours to convert the culture. It is ours to express and reinforce Divine viewpoint at every opportunity... in the workplace, in the marketplace, in the schools, in the public forum, in the political arena, in debates on world-view. We must clarify Divine viewpoint to the culture. And historically Christianity has always influenced the culture in which it found expression. Picture Colonial America or New England after the first Great Awakening.

The influences of the Gospel were profound. Neo-paganism in 21" Century America must be met with incisive and accurate biblical challenges. Our moral and ethical free fall must be confronted with truth. Those whom we choose to represent us in government need to be tested by Divine standards.

As you go to the poles on November 2, it is right and fair to ask, "What place does Christ and His values have with the person for whom I vote?" In many cases, that question will be hard to answer, but in some, it will not. Obviously this requires the biblical moxi to correctly perceive the issues and the courage to stand-up for the truth of God's Word. I hope you have both.



Who Deserves Your Vote?

by Bernard Hertel, Brookfield, Wisconsin

(a Board member of Merryman Ministries.)


In the winds of current political debate and discussion, I have decided to share my presuppositions and assumptions upon which I expect to select candidates this fall. I believe that we must defend against tyranny. To give an inch, we would lose a mile. A weak nation invites assault and is a target for terrorism. Military strength by its very existence and presence can preclude the need to use force. Tranquility is promoted by strength.

A strong military secures our society. No weak nation is respected, nor tolerated. Strong nations can defend themselves or their allies. Strong nations can thwart the terrorist or defuse trouble before it escalates. We need to decide to make military strength a priority. Military strength is the precursor to liberty, progress and prosperity.

The freedoms of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness begin with life. We must defend life at all  costs, or the liberty and pursuit of happiness are meaningless. It would be myopic to think that we don't need to defend the freedoms that we have. Some in the world hate that we have the freedoms we enjoy. Many have sacrificed everything to get to America to participate in the process of freedom and the opportunities it provides. Having freedom, we must not squander liberty nor let it erode. Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom.

Family life is the centerpiece of society. As the family is being attacked on all sides, our society suffers. The family engenders values and core beliefs that become the fabric of our culture. Without core values and absolutes, anarchy emerges and prevails. Strong families are the underpinning and foundation of strong nations.

Civil government must be strong and respected. Its rightful mission and goal is to encourage good and punish evil. The authority that civil government has comes from God. Without order, anarchy precludes freedom. We must remember our true historical roots. A revisionist teaching of history will only force us to repeat the mistakes of our ignorance.

In this era of "tolerance" our constitution still guarantees the freedom of speech to all. We should not assume that "tolerance" excludes this freedom for some. In an age of "Political Correctness"  government still must encourage good and punish evil or it is no government at all, but simply a precursor to totalitarianism.

Tax reductions and tax relief must be made permanent. The individual can spend his own money better than the government can do it for him. This develops responsibility for what we have and encourages a committed work force. We must not ask the government to do for us what we should do for ourselves.

The "Entitlement Mentality" is a parasite that siphons off enthusiasm, depletes pride, stifles creativity and drains public coffers, while burdening the taxpayer. Accountability provides the springboard to success. Set your personal goal, strive to achieve it and reap the blessings of hard work, a job well done and goal accomplished. Government should not hinder you with regulation and loop holes, but should get out to the way of those willing to chart the course, set sail and arrive at an unambiguous port.

A Free Market economy will sort out winners and losers because successful entrepreneurs will be providing the best solutions and products as selected by the consumer. The best ideas win. "Those serving the needs of the consumer make a just and fair profit. Competition is good for business and good for the consumer. Tariffs will diminish what free markets promote. Isolationism will hurt competition in the long run and is short sighted.

Legislation is to be made by Congress, signed or vetoed by the Executive and interpreted by the Judiciary. Disrupting these assigned roles derails contractual order, interferes with the balance of powers and makes the masses subject to the will of the few. We are still a democratic republic, a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

The fabric of society is made up of many diversely talented people who contribute to the general welfare in many ways. Our diversity is our strength to build upon but we must have our sight on a common vision of unity for the common good or our diversity will divide us. We all have a debt to pay to society. As we enjoy the American experience we should also contribute. No man is an island.

Religious freedom is central to America. Every man or woman is allowed to worship God as he/she sees fit. Government shall make no provision to inhibit or prevent the free exercise of any person's religion. . I believe that man's purpose is to glorify his Creator. No matter what life has held for you, hardship or success, riches or poverty, fame or obscurity, it is possible for sinful man/woman to be reconciled to an all Holy God because of the finished work of Christ on Calvary. Only the God-man, Jesus Christ, could pay the price to a Just God for the sin we commit. This free gift is available to anyone willing to trust Jesus Christ as their Savior. Life is short and eternity is forever. We must all give an account to our creator. Each man must be convicted in his own conscience of the correctness of his creed.

Ours is a society that promotes the common good, the most good for the greatest number of people. Above all, our government allows us to carry on our business, lead our families and worship our God knowing that if order prevails, good will triumph, and evil will be punished. For all the faults our system of government exhibits, it has stood the test of time and provides stability for our lives. You have every right to disagree with me as I might with you. This is a society of the free exchange of ideas. Social dialog is the right of all. Although no one can force another to follow their paradigm, they have the right to think, believe and express their views and ideas. I will defend to the utmost your right to disagree with me. The totalitarian alternative is untenable.  Our right to vote is a great privilege we enjoy. We have a say in selecting those who will represent and serve us in government. If we don't vote for the best candidate, an oligarchy will govern in our stead. Our freedom has been bought with a price. Freedom is really not free, but energy and effort must be exerted to maintain it. Voting for the candidate whom you believe is best able to rule righteously, make the difficult decisions and will stand on principle to achieve our common good, is vital to the future of our nation.