Light Brings Salt


Volume 2, Issue 31                                                                                 August 22, 2004

Iron Range Bible Church

Dedicated to the Systematic Exposition of the Word of God



Sufficiency of the Word

(Psalm 19:7-9)


One of the things that you must have straight, must have a solid handle on as a Believer is that what we have before us in this book is in fact the Word of God, must be a given, a settled understanding.

For one who stands in the dock for God and teaches that Word it must be our ever present focus and motivator. As Joe pew, as you live your life, daily your going to face many situations that are going to challenge the viewpoint expressed by the Word that we have learned. Our response in that test is critical and it determines whether we will become a spiritual casualty or not, become side tracked, or pressing on toward the goal.

The Word of God makes a claim for it self that we must not ever  loose track of as believers and especially as Pastors. That is that    the God-breathed Scriptures are sufficient for our lives today.

And if this is true as I believe it is, then we as Pastors must be rock solid in the focus of our ministry.  The Word not gimmicks.   Paul affirms this in 2 Tim 3:16-17. All scripture profitable ...... adequate..... equipped for every good work. So that we are able to be all that God desires of us in life, to be spiritually well balanced.   

Peter in 2 Pet 1:3   made a very strong statement relating to our provision in Christ.  That the means of realizing that provision in our lives is related to something concrete, "through the true knowledge of Him who called us".   He relates it back to knowing scripture, knowing God's revelation.

One of the clearest statements of the sufficiency of scripture is in Psalm 19:7-14. Question?? Are we attempting to use cheap substitutes in place of what God has already provided?  This passage I believe counters all the attempts to use something other than Word as the framework for one's life as a believer or to establish the parameters for the viewpoint or thinking upon which we base our lives.

What is subtly being said today is that we need human viewpoint solutions like psychology to augment what the Word teaches. This is becoming the norm today. This passage tells us that as believers this is not to be the case, the pattern for our life.

In vs:7-9 we have 6 statements describing Scripture; each is   related to being from the source of YHWH, the source of the Word.

In this context we have 6 synonyms for the Word of God.

1.  the law of the Lord  

2.  the testimony of the Lord 

3.  the precepts of the Lord 

4.  the commandments of the Lord 

5.  "the fear of the Lord"  

6.  the judgments of the Lord

Each of these statements not only gives us a characteristic of the Word, but it also describes for us the effect or benefit the Word is to have in our lives. The last one in vs:9 actually gives us 2 characteristics without an effect [true and righteous].

All of this is true to the one who takes not only God but His word seriously and  uses it s the foundation of their life. These are axiomatic statements of fact, of truth, (Hebrew nominal sentences,  no verbs).


1. 19:7a  The law of the LORD is perfect, restoring the soul.   

The word for law here is torah, hr'AT emphasizes the teaching and instruction that comes from the Word of God.

Here I would take it that David is referring to Scripture as the sum of what God has revealed for our instruction, for our teaching.

The word "perfect" is tamiym; ~ymiT' (adj.) basically means to be whole,     complete, sufficient. What is David saying then? That Scripture is complete, it's comprehensive and therefore embodies all that we need as believers to live the life that God expects. Actually stronger than that, that Scripture commands us!

David's statement here in Psa 19 stands in contrast with the imperfect, insufficient, flawed reasoning of man, the human viewpoint of the day.

Next the effect of this perfect complete sufficient instruction is "restoring the soul" (bWv) which means to bring back, to restore, to refresh. The idea is to be going in one direction and to totally turn around and go in the opposite direction. The focus here is the soul, nephesh vp,n<, here with the emphasis on the whole person, and therefore the life of the individual.

David then is saying that the Word of God, Scripture, is so powerful and comprehensive that it can turn one's life, transform the entire person; putting them precisely in the direction that God desires.


2. 19:7b   Scripture is Trustworthy, Imparting Wisdom.  

"The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple." Testimony (hd'[e) speaks of Scripture as being a divine witness.  A declaration of the will of God. This brings into focus absolutes. We must recognize that God is the source of absolutes.  The word reminds us that His testimony is unwavering, immovable, unmistakable, reliable and worthy to be trusted.  It provides a foundation on which to build our lives, now and for eternity.

What is more sure to you, the word of God? His testimony? Or the  experience that you have had. Which is more real to you? Peter makes a very valuable observation that speaks to this issue in 2 Pet 1:19.   Context here is crucial and reflects back on a tremendous experience He had with our Lord. Mount of transfiguration.(Mk 9:1-8) What Peter does here is to affirm very strongly that the testimony of God's word is a surer and more convincing confirmation of God's truth than what he had personally witnessed and heard, that is his experience with Christ.

What do we have today? Its in vogue even within many churches to focus on some experience we've had, and many cite some mystical experience as a validation of who they are and what their doing.     Peter had a real-life encounter with Christ in all of His glory on the mount. It was real and yet he stands in stark contrast to those today who are advocating miracles, (signs and wonders) as the necessary proof of God's power and presence.

Peter says I saw, I heard, but I look to Scripture as a higher and more trustworthy authority than even such a dramatic and real experience. The Word then is a more trustworthy and sound focus of faith.

God's sure word has the effect of making wise the simple! The word simple speaks of the naïve. One who does not have the skill to discern that which is false or harmful. That is they are undiscerning, ignorant, and therefore gullible. But knowing God's Word will cause the naive to be wise. Don't mistake this for facts, to have a knowledge of facts. The word is chakam (hiph ptc) and it emphasizes what is practical, it deals with revealed principles of what is right and wrong that is to be lived out in ones life. Therefore the word will cause you to be skillful in the art of Godly living.


3. Scripture is right, causing joy. 19:8a.  

The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart. Precepts brings into focus the fact that God is the definer of duty. The principles, the guidelines for character and conduct. (piqqudim)  It stands to reason I believe that since God is our creator, then He knows how we are to live in order to be productive for His glory.  These precepts from the Lord are right, they're straight, upright, correct. Its more than just indicating what is right as over against what is wrong. We have an idiom, Give it to me straight! God through His word is giving it to us straight as to what is in our best interest for life.

Scripture gives us the proper path through the difficult maze of life and will give us great confidence in life regardless of the circumstances. Too many people today are distressed or despondent because they lack direction and purpose in their lives. They continually seek answers from the wrong sources. God's word not only provides the light for our path (119:105) but will set out the route before us.

And what does it say will be the consequence of being on the right path?  What is the benefit for now? today? tomorrow? "rejoicing the heart"  It brings us great joy when believed which speaks of one's whole disposition is that of rejoicing and joy.

If we find ourselves depressed, anxious, fearful or doubting, we need to learn to obey God's counsel and realize this joy. Don't fall into the trap of chasing the current fads of self-esteem or whatever  self-fulfillment gimmick is in vogue. What this says here is to focus on divine truth and there you will find true and lasting joy.


4. Scripture is Pure, Enlightening the eyes  19:8b.

The commandment speaks not a series of suggestions to be taken lightly but are pure clear, lucid, not mystifying. Must remember that Scripture is revelation from God, He's true and His word is truth!

Benefit: In a world of spiritual and moral darkness it says that the word enlightens the eyes gives insight and guidance in life. 


5. 19:9  The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever.

The focus here is of the respect and awe that we should have for God and His word. This takes us to His authority which scripture ties to hearing the word Dt. 4:10. The use of clean  speaks of the absence of impurity, defilement, contamination, imperfection. What the word communicates is that the word is absolutely undefiled and with out blemish. 

Benefit: Scripture endures forever vs:9a. Jesus said in Mark 13:31  "Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will not pass away."  There is nothing out there that is as permanent as the Word of God! Nothing! It is unchanging and therefore is relevant to all of us.

6. The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous 19:9b.

119:138  You have commanded Your testimonies in righteousness And exceeding faithfulness.

119:142  Your righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, And Your law is truth.  The bottom line is that the Word of God has been and will always be sufficient for our needs.