Light Brings Salt


Volume 2, Issue 22                                                                                 June 6, 2004

Iron Range Bible Church

Dedicated to the Systematic Exposition of the Word of God



Attitudes that show Christian unity


Last week we began to examine the opening paragraph of Philippians 2 and there we noted the basis for Christian unity as well as the benefits that are ours in union with Christ. Now this week with verses 2-4 we find the attitudes that are essential for Christian unity.

Our relationship with others is to be based on what Christ has done for us (2:2-4).

 2:2  make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose.

 2:3  Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself;

 2:4  do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.

The basis of the four fold exhortation here in vs:2-4 is the four fold appeal he made in 2:1 which they are based on. Before he gives us the four steps to Christian unity he very subtly slips in a another reason to motivate them in the direction they should be moving as a congregation, and it is a personal one, Paul didn't ignore his own personal feelings or happiness while ministering to others.

"...make my joy complete..." this is the 4th time he has       mentioned his own happiness - joy/contentment. (#1 - 1:4-5;  #2 - 1:18 he rejoices that Christ is preached;  #3 - 1:18-19   I will continue to rejoice, for I know that through your prayers and the help given by the Spirit of Jesus Christ it will turn out for my deliverance.)

Now he adds a fourth factor that would contribute to making his joy complete, full, a continued unity and oneness in the local body of Christ at Philippi. (This first phrase here is actually the main clause for vs:1-4)

There is a direct correlation between the 4 appeals/benefits because of our relationship with Christ in vs:1 and the 4 steps to unity given here in vs:2-4.


The Basis for Christian Unity

2:1  Personal benefits:

1. Encouragement from being in Christ (salv/pos. in Christ)

2. Comfort from His love (it is continued and unconditional)

3. Fellowship with the Spirit basis for all relationships

4. Tenderness and compassion


The Steps to Christian Unity

2:2-4  Doing for others based on what Christ has done for you:

1. Be like minded

2. Maintain the same love

3. Be one in spirit and purpose

4. Be unselfish and humble.


Now lets examine these four attitudes that are so necessary to Christian unity.

#1. being of the same mind - (fronew) to think the same thing; to think, to have an opinion, have  understanding , to set one's mind on something, as having an attitude or  frame of mind, to think in such a way.   The emphasis clearly is on the content of thought not the process of thought.

This does not mean that we are ever to pursue unity of thought at the expense of truth. What Paul assumes is that the same mind, the same thinking is right thinking, consistent with the truth.  We as believers, of all people, have the only real basis for unity in thought and action, the Word of God. Christ spoke of this concept, that is the importance of the Word, very dramatically in His prayer to the Father just before His death. Jn 17:14 "I have given them {disciples} your word...   Jn 17:17 "Sanctify them by the truth, your word is truth."

Our vital union - our positional relationship must be constantly nurtured in the assembling together in the name of our Savior and the study of His word. Without the consistent nurturing, that is feeding on the Word, there is no spiritual growth. 

One of the purposes of this unity is to maintain a convincing witness before the community, before the world to the revelation of God in Christ and for His love for them.  (2:21; Jn. 13:34-35)

So as Christians we have a common message around which to build our thoughts and our life style, our pattern of life. As Christ was one with God, and we are one with Him, so we are to be one with another.


#2. maintaining the same love

Because of our position in Christ He loves us continually and unconditionally, that will never change.

That's why Paul can say that "nothing will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Rom. 8:38-39 Paul exhorts the Philippians to love as Christ loves,  not  conditionally, not just in response to love from others.

Conditional love is easy, it is more difficult to love when we are rejected or being criticized. One of the greatest marks of the advancing growing believer is the love of believers expressed towards others. This is to identify and separate believers from the kosmos.  (John. 13:34-35)

This love is purposeful, intelligent and the product of the empowering ministry of the Holy Spirit. Paul spells out the attitudes and actions that this love should manifest in the life of the believer in 1 Cor 13:4-7 such as: patience, kindness, concern, humility, gentleness, objectivity, fairness, honesty, and sincerity. All are readily observed when in action.

In summary this love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

This expression of unconditional love creates the environment of true Christian unity. If their is no unity of thought under the ministry of the Holy Spirit there is no possibility of exhibiting the same characteristics of Christian love as listed by Paul and demonstrated by Christ.


#3. united in spirit, intent on one purpose. 

The emphasis here is on being harmonious or of the same spirit. While being intent on one purpose  once again places the emphasis on being one in thinking fronew which is translated one in purpose.  If we're one in thinking then we should be one in purpose.

If we have "like-mindedness" (#1), and we have "loving attitudes and actions" (#2)  then only one result can flow from that, a oneness in the body of Christ, that is within the Local Church, local body of gathered believers, who are the visible microcosm of the body of Christ.

This is true fellowship (koinwnia) with the Spirit. We must recognize that this is something that does not happen overnight, it takes time.  As we all grow in knowledge and wisdom and discernment then this unity of spirit and oneness of purpose becomes a reality.

The only way our position can be reflected in our life, is through our thinking, attitudes and actions, which is what Paul is dealing with here. This is the oneness in spirit and purpose that Paul had in mind. 


#4. Be unselfish and humble in all relationships - or we are to reflect true humility.

Here we have to examine vs:3-4 to see the practical application in the life of the believer or how this same thinking and having the same love, this unity of spirit and oneness of purpose is to manifest itself in the life of the committed believer in Jesus Christ in our service to and relationship with one another.

Next week we'll pick up and analyze these two verses.