Light Brings Salt


Volume 2, Issue 18                                                                                 May 9, 2004

Iron Range Bible Church

Dedicated to the Systematic Exposition of the Word of God




Today we're going to continue to examine Paul's prayer in Philippians 1:9-11. We find here a clear statement of Paul's desire for these believers, what he sees as the objective that they should be actively pursuing as growing, advancing believers who are committed to Christ. Read these verses carefully before proceeding.

It may come as a shock to some of you but God did not save you just to keep you from eternal judgment in the LOF, but that the character of Christ, the fruit of the Spirit might be manifest in your lives.

We live in the flesh in this material body but we are to live not of the flesh since the sin nature doesn't have to rule and enslave us any longer because of our identification with Him at salvation.

We are to produce "good works" so that Christ might be glorified in time. Eph 2:10 

In this prayer Paul prays for three basic things for them.

   #1 - That their love may abound in full knowledge and discernment.

   #2 - That their lives would be free from hypocrisy, that is  genuine, blameless.

   #3 - That they would be filled with the fruit of righteousness.

We have examined the first 2 so today we pick up with the third objective from Paul's prayer found in verse 11.

1:11  "having been filled with the fruit of righteousness which comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God." NASB


When Paul says "having been filled with the fruit of righteousness" he further defines and amplifies what is being sincere and blameless at the day of Christ is. The verb for having been filled is pleroo which means to make full, or to fill up all deficiencies. The perfect tense of the verb emphasizes the completed state or condition of the believer on the day of Christ. 

The passive voice says that the state/condition of being filled with the fruit of righteousness results from God's working in the life of the believer, His provision for us in time utilized to the max by us. God is able to fill up all your spiritual deficiencies in life so that He can use every aspect of our life and personality for fruit bearing, that is Divine Good Production, (DGP).

The principle is that transformed lives are the demonstration of the power of God working in the lives of believers. The best that man can do is reform the external.  God works from inside out.

The term "fruit of righteousness" emphasizes a quality, a characteristic of the Christian life, the production of divine good in life.  That is living out the will of God and having impact for Christ.

The word for righteousness dikaiosune (dikaiosunh) is in the genitive case and therefore can be taken two ways, both have implications for this context.

#1  If we take it as a subjective genitive that is "fruit that results from our justified state."  Because we're "in Him" and we're developing our relationship with Him, we should be producing fruit - DGP.

#2  If we take it as a descriptive gen. = "fruit that consists in right conduct, or experiential righteousness."  Then the being sincere, without hypocrisy, blameless is being defined by Paul as what flows from the DGP, living out the N&S declared by God's Word.

The next phrase takes us back to the source!  "...which comes through Jesus Christ,.." [dia + genitive = agency/source]   Our relationship to Christ not only determines our standing before God, that is our salvation, "in Him" your saved, but also our capacity or ability to live the Christian life, to walk worthy before Him is related to our  experiential relationship with Him; our ongoing daily fellowship with Him.

Next we find the ultimate goal that Paul is looking for from this prayer. It is all " the glory and praise of God."  This should be the objective of every believer in Jesus Christ.  1 Cor 10:31;  Col. 3:17,23; 1 Pet. 4:11



1. The love that Paul is speaking about, when it is abounding in  knowledge and discernment will result in "the fruit of  righteousness,"  divine good production (DGP) in the life.

2. Jesus taught in Jn 15 the importance of fruit bearing for the believer.

Note: Background, overview of John 15

John 15 is instruction to the disciples in three vital relationships in their lives as they are for us also.

#1 - toward Christ - the vine; vs:1-10

#2 - toward each other, fellow believers;  vs:11-17

#3 - towards the kosmos, the world system out there; vs:18-16:4

John emphasizes 3 areas of responsibility for the disciples.

#1 - to remain or abide in Him. 15:5-7

#2 - to love each other.  15:17

#3 - to testify martureo (marturew)  which means to bear witness to, declare, confirm; idea is to communicate or project their faith and the reality of their relationship with Christ through their lives. 15:27

John also details the Key to the fruitful life.

#1 - cleansing;  salvation vs: 3

#2 - abiding;  fellowship vs:4-7  [must be connected to the source]

Note: 15:6  Rem: every branch referred to here is "in Him"  therefore a believer.

As you look at verse 6 John says first there is a lack of abiding, no fellowship.  This is followed by  those branches, believers out of fellowship if it continues over a period of time dries up, there is no spiritual vitality. Still a believer, still in Him! Next John says they are burned up.  I take this to refer to what was what was produced in life while out of fellowship, the human good will be burned. This takes us to the bonfire at the JSC where all human good is burned.   

#3 - obedience; this refers to taking the knowledge and discernment of the Word acquired and producing fruit, DGP.  15:8


3. Jesus associated fruit bearing (DGP) with a vital relationship and with consistent intake of His Word. ("abide in Me and My Words abide in you,"  15:7)

4. Failure in abiding and obedience results in loss, both in time and eternity. 15:6  [loss of blessing and provision in time and reward in eternity]

5. It is the Word of God, doctrine, that equips us for bearing fruit, DGP.

2 Tim 3:16,17 - it is my responsibility as Pastor to see that those that choose to assemble here get a steady diet of spiritual truth.

6. We are created as new creations in Christ for the purpose of good works. Eph 2:10

7. At the day of Christ each one's "fruit" will be evaluated.   2 Cor 5:10; 1 Cor 3:10-15

8. This "fruit" is not, and can never be produced by our own natural abilities and energies.  Jn 15:4-5 "the branch cannot bear fruit of itself."   We must be connected to the vine Jesus Christ, the source of life itself. 

9. But its important to notice that it is the branch not the vine that produces the fruit.  


Therefore the DGP, the fruit is produced in the life of the believer as we make the choices in life to apply the truth of the Word in the varying circumstances of life. But that fruit is not produced apart from the connection to the vine, fellowship, the energizing ministry of the Holy Spirit.  You cannot leave your daily decisions out of the loop as far too many want to do.