Light Brings Salt


Volume 2, Issue 14                                                          April 4, 2004

Iron Range Bible Church

Dedicated to the Systematic Exposition of the Word of God


The Faithfulness of God's Work for the Believer


Phil.  1:6  says For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.

Paul expresses a very strong confidence in them and their future.   A confidence that is not rooted in what they are doing for him,  or their faithful support for him which  had been crucial for many years in his ministry. His confidence was in the One who will never let them down, who is always faithful - God!

The word for confident  peitho (pei,qw) and its basic meaning is to persuade by facts, truth; here since it is used in the perfect tense it means to be convinced, to be sure, to be certain.

What Paul is expressing is a settled conviction, an absolute confidence in the future.  Question is, How do you come to that same confidence in life? Or, Can you have that same settled conviction in your life?  And if the answer is yes, as I believe it is, Do you have that settled confidence in your eternal future??

Answer is that you sure can. By placing your faith and confidence in the same "object" as Paul does, first is Jesus Christ and His work on the cross for your salvation and then in His thinking and viewpoint found in the Word of God providing the direction for life.

Paul's conviction is based on the reality that it is God who began the good work at salvation, who provides through out life and the one who guarantees our future. Paul has confidence,  a settled conviction toward them and their future because his confidence is in God.  This is seen in  2 Tim. 1:12 for I know whom I have believed and I am persuaded that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until that day.

To the degree that one's confidence is in man you introduce uncertainty into the equation. Notice that Paul doesn't trace the beginning back to his ministry, his evangelizing of them in 50 AD or their response to it, but to God alone.

The good work (ergon agaqon) is God providing everything needed for man from salvation to eternity. He began this work in you, just as he did with those in Philippi when you exhaled belief in the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior.

He will perfect it, this work, until the day of Jesus Christ.   Perfect  ( evpitele,w ) means to complete, to finish, or to accomplish a goal.    This word fits well with the perfect of (pei,qw)  a settled confidence, a settled conviction. 

The time of completion is said to be the day of Christ Jesus.  This refers to the Rapture of the Church, the return of Christ for His bride, the Church, which would include their receiving their resurrection bodies.  There is a difference of emphasis and a distinction between "day of the Lord" and the "day of Christ",  or the Lord Jesus.

The first relates to the judgment of unbelieving Jews and Gentiles and the blessing of Millennial saints. While the 2nd one here in our context puts the emphasis on the reward and blessing for the Church. Mixing the two results in great confusion.

Bottom Line is that nothing in this life will prevent the successful accomplishment of God's work in you in bringing you to glory,  emphasis is on our positional security.



1. The important Biblical truth taught here is the Eternal Security of the believer - positional security.

2. This same doctrine is taught in: Jn 10:27-28; Rom 8:38-39; Heb 10:14; 2 Cor 4:8,9,14

3. Experiential security of the Believer, the one who knows and applies His word and therefore exploits grace in his life is depicted by several metaphors: 

In Psa. 1:3 - as a tree planted by the waters, who does not wither and prospers.

In Psa. 125:1 - the faithful are like Mt Zion, they cannot be moved, abides forever.

In Matt.  7:24 - compared to a house built on a rock having a solid foundation, Jesus Christ and His Word, and nothing is able to shake us.

4. Your positional security was established the very moment you believed in Jesus Christ.

The moment you recognized that you were a sinner and needed a Savior and believed in Christ.  As an unbeliever you may have been a good person, loved by all, most popular at school, voted most likely to succeed, may have everything going for you financially. But being without Christ, as a sinner, you stood condemned before God.  Your state is given in Eph 2:1,  dead separated from God.  What you were or are from the human standpoint does not impress God, will not satisfy His +R/J, Holiness/Integrity. (Titus 3:5;  2 Tim 1:9)

At some point you learned that Jesus Christ is the Son of God,  that He went to the cross for you,  the One who had no sin, Who was without spot or blemish and there on the cross paid the debt you owed, the penalty for your sins, that he suffered and died for you. And you were convicted of these things by the pre-salvation ministry of the Holy Spirit.

You responded to what He did for you, by faith,  all the merit being in the object of faith Jesus Christ, and you were: regenerated,  born spiritually into a new family, became a child of God,  placed into union with Jesus Christ through the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit came to indwell you and sealed you for that day (Eph 1:13),   positionally then your a new creation "IN CHRIST". (2 Cor 5:17)

What did you or I do to deserve what He did for us? NOTHING - we could do nothing in and of ourselves. His death on the cross paid the penalty God's holiness demands and when you believed IN HIM, that He is the Son of God, deity,  that He died for you, bore the penalty for your sin and that  He rose from the dead bodily you became a child of God.

In time, in our life, our responsibility as Believers is to learn what God desires of us and then to obey it.  Obedience flows out of a developing relationship and knowledge of His word. Never will you loose by doing the will of God - NEVER!

5. The GOOD WORK Paul speaks of began at salvation and it's time of completion is the day of Christ Jesus, the rapture.

All bel's will receive a resurrection body like Christ's  (1 Jn 3:2). Ones faithfulness to Christ and His Word will receive their recognition and reward at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

6. What about the time in between?

God in grace provides for you, will give you all the DOA's (divine operating assets).  He has provided all you need to learn His word and realize it's power in your life and to fulfill His will for your life.  If your positive to Him, consistently overruling your sin nature, God is faithful and will provide for your needs experientially.

Need to set your priorities Mt 6:33

His faithfulness  is seen 1 Ths 5:24 (2:12 to walk worthy)

7. God's work for these believer's at Philippi is not yet complete, as it isn't for you.

All of the Believers that Paul is writing to, their bodies are dust, and their soul/spirit is in heaven, face to face awaiting their resurrection bodies and their eternal reward,  all a part of their eternal inheritance.

8. No believer can ever say, God failed him experientially, in time, to provide the BD needed to successfully complete, to accomplish His work in and thru their life, to finish the race, the course set before you. (Heb 12:1)

So that we can say just as Paul did in 2 Tim. 4:7 

His faithfulness toward the unbeliever is also seen in that not one who is positive at the point of God consciousness no matter where they are will fail to get a gospel hearing.

Whether or not experientially that you attain to the goal, objective God has for you is wholly  dependent on your accepting and acting on your responsibility before God - to obey Him.

No one has an excuse no matter how good it may sound to them that exempts them from success in time. When you get to the JSC you can't plead if only this or if only that, then I would have ...... Far too many believers today think and act as if they can set their own agenda for life and God must bless them in whatever it is!!  The bottom line is that your expectations and thoughts must coincide with those of God.  (Isa 55:8)


Think on these things and be rewarded!