Light Brings Salt


Volume 2, Issue 7                                                                 February  15 , 2004

Iron Range Bible Church

Dedicated to the Systematic Exposition of the Word of God


The Purpose of God and our Destiny


In the last phrase of Rom 8:28 Paul introduces us to this purpose he as gives us some further information about those in context, the ones who love God that is  to those who are called according to (His) purpose.   This phrase ensures that we realize the positional aspect of  those  in view; they are Believers, ones who have responded to the Gospel i.e. they are the called  (kletoj) and therefore are a part of God's plan of Grace.  God's means or manner of calling people to Himself  is what? Through the Gospel!

There's also a qualifier found here in that we're called "according to (His) purpose"  The word for purpose here (pro,qesij) means to have a pre-determined plan; a purpose;  a resolve and it always has the idea in it of intelligent design!   There's also a nuance of the word that means to display, to make an exhibition or presentation of something.

Therefore we have an emphasis on an active part of God's plan that is on display, that is visible. Therefore its being observed and has impact in time, that is through the life of the believer as the truth is being lived out! [Eph 2:7]

How you as a believer respond to the circumstances of life,  CHP's are on display,  Not just before others, but remember your being observed by angels also.

The real question is, Are you utilizing the grace provisions given to us?  Or are you reacting and bouncing all over the place and therefore becoming a casualty in life spiritually speaking?    

With verse 29 Paul begins to describe  who are the ones called according to His purpose.  

Here in a nutshell is God's plan for the believer!  Paul traces here the majestic sweep of the God's plan which is designed to bring many sons to glory!   These verses expand and explain for us what it means to be called according to His purpose.

Predestined says the called according to His purpose, are the ones foreknown, and they have a destiny that is to become conformed to the image of His Son.  This is the announced destiny of all believers, and its based on the work of God on behalf of the one who believes in Christ for salvation.

Then vs:30 amplifies this by describing how they get to that point; the called, the justified, and the glorified!

One thing that we must keep in mind is that everything in these 2 verses is the work of God, not one iota of effort from us! Therefore what is detailed for us  is sure and secure.

 Romans 8:29 - 30  The breakdown

The first important word is "foreknew"  proginwskw  basic meaning is to know something ahead of time.  This word means much more than just advance knowledge/facts  or    precognition. The "know" implies when used of God, an intimate relationship; and what flows from it, His love, care, selection, protection of His own!  (John 10:14; Amos 3:2]

To be known of God is to have a relationship with Him to have fellowship with Him, 1 Cor 8:3.

The next important phrase here is  predestined (to become) conformed to the image of His Son.  This says we have a destiny in Christ. We noted in Eph 1:5 where Paul says, he predestined us to adoption as sons through Christ. 

So what's the emphasis of the word predestined? (proori,zw) The prefix pro- means before while the main verb ori,zw means to set boundaries, to establish limits; therefore to determine. Examples of this use:  Acts 17:26; Numb. 34:6f; Deu. 3:16-17;  Josh 15:9-11

When you couple this with the prefixed preposition pro - meaning before  indicates that something has been established, that boundaries have been set,  something has already been determined.  So what is Paul then saying to us??

In love, God the Father has designed a plan for the believer in Christ.  He has established definite parameters in which we are to live.  It is God's purpose for us to live within these defined parameters and to produce divine good, which results from our increasingly becoming conformed to the image of His Son!

And its clearly in our best interests to live within them.  We only find these parameters for life and godliness defined in the Word! Its called His will.

We should note that the use of this word is primarily of what God does for the saved, for believers. [6 times]  There is one exception, and that is the use of the events leading up to and including the cross in Acts 4:28.  Point in that context is that nothing happened that God did not desire to have happen related to the cross work of Christ.

What we are to be Predestined to is to be Conformed to the image of His Son!   What's involved or what does it refer to?

This  begins at salvation, the moment we believe in Christ,  are placed into union with Christ and when His perfect righteousness is imputed to us,  and we are  given Eternal life becoming Sons!

As we live our lives after salvation and we grow and mature in the faith that is the process of sanctification, the more time walking by the Spirit, the more fruit of the Spirit we will produce, the more of the character of Christ will be reflected in our life.  This is becoming conformed to the image of  His Son.

Never! Never! is this word used or does it teach or imply that people are predestined, or as KJV, foreordained, to hell, to eternal judgment as some teach.

Everything that this word is used of, is defining for us as believers, is related to the spiritual blessings that are ours in Christ!   

It addresses the purposes God has for the believer after salvation!      A future that is set and secure!


Conformed to the image of His Son!

This phrase describes the goal or objective of the whole of the redemption plan of God.                     

Conformed (su,mmorfoj) speaks of the outer expression of the inner nature or character. What is in view here is a likeness to Christ that is not just an external or a superficial resemblance [form/appearance].   It signifies a whole set of characteristics or qualities that make something what it is here the nature of Christ, the image or form is that of Christ.2

Therefore Conformed to the image also includes becoming in our character what Christ  is.

This  does not mean we become deity.

 When this becomes fully realized we will be minus the sin nature and face to face in our resurrection body.

The preposition prefixed to conformed sum- means together with or in association with ties this all together. Its with whom?  Christ!  It says there is a vital connection, a relationship with Christ to be reflected in our life.  

Do you remember what the standard for maturity is?  (Eph 4:13)   Its Christ! 

The maturing or advancing believer increasingly reflects the  character of Christ as he continues to be filled with Christ and to walk by the Spirit.  This results in the fruit of the Spirit of Gal 5:22-23 which indicates the character of Christ being reflected!  Attitudes and thinking  that motivate right actions in life!

This being associated with Christ is an important point that Paul makes in Romans 8. In fact he makes four associations that we have with Christ are crucial to our relationship with Him.

What we ultimately will become, the image that we will bear, we      have together with Him! His future then is our future!   The associations are fellow-heirs, suffer with Him, and be glorified with Him. (Rom 8:17)

The whole of the Christian life is wrapped up in a relationship with Christ. Its derived from Him.  He is our life!  So being conformed to the image of Christ refers to all believers being made like Christ, having a resurrection body like His, minus the sin nature.

It almost seems redundant, at first glance, that Paul would add the word image, eikwn, since the idea of form or image is a part of  being conformed but there is an additional nuance that it adds.  The word is image eivkw,n which refers to a pattern or imprint, a  derived likeness.

That indistinct image we bore when we first became believers becomes progressively clearer as we grow and mature as believers.

Paul next states the ultimate purpose of our being conformed to the image of His Son is that it glorifies Christ!  It exalts Him  "that He, [Christ,] might be the first-born among many brethren."

The key word here is first-born prwtotokoj which when used of Christ as here it is used metaphorically of first in rank, one having pre-imminence, and the idea then is of having highest rank or position.  He cannot be second to anyone or in anything.   &