Light Brings Salt


Volume 2, Issue 6                                                              February  8 , 2004

Iron Range Bible Church

Dedicated to the Systematic Exposition of the Word of God


Having a Romans 8:28 mentality!


Just what is this mentality or attitude?  What it is not is a kay se ra se ra, what will be will be mental attitude.

The wider context here in Rom 8 is one of sin and suffering.  We live in a world totally impacted by sin and suffering but we are not without provision to deal with this and to glorify God in it.

8:18 sufferings of this present time

8:20 creation was subjected to futility, frustration of purpose

8:21 creation is under slavery to corruption, decay and death

8:22 creation groans / suffers pains

8:23 we groan also from the pressures and tests of life


Paul reminds us in verse 26 that we are not left without the necessary provision, the Holy Spirit's ministry in our life!  So the context is very clear and well defined.  In the midst of this world full of sin and suffering we have this dogmatic statement of verse 28.

We do not control the undeserved suffering, or the common human problems (CHP's)  that we might face in this life but we do have everything to say about how we respond to them!

We cannot do anything to change the fact that sin and suffering exists in the world,  and we know that God will deal with them in His timing.  But what we can do and must do is to control our mental attitude (MA) as we live day by day in this world.  The big question is this, who or what is influencing our MA, our thinking.

We are here, in this life, for what purpose?  We are here to bring honor and glory to Him who loved and sent His uniquely born Son to die for us and we are here to bear witness to that fact.  We are not here to crusade for anything!

J. Vernon McGee speaking at Dallas Seminary in 1958 to the student body:  "Men we are called to catch fish, we are not called to cleanup the fish bowl."


Control of God  8:28a

"And we know..."  says that we need in the light of the present situations, the circumstances that we are facing we need to know some doctrine, some truth.  Paul uses this expression 30x's and examining them you quickly discover that he does so to introduce what is to be common knowledge among believers.

Things that those in the church at Phillipi, at Colosse, at Thessalonica, at Ephesus, any place you find believers who have been taught the Word of God, they know these things!  So Paul is saying this is fundamental, common knowledge of truth that's in view here!

There are 2 commonly used words for knowing, oi=da and ginwskw.  The word used here is oi=da  and refers to knowledge that is based on fact.  For that reason it’s a perfect tense word used with a present meaning which emphasizes something true that is known and has lasting,  on-going influence in the life!  Whenever Paul uses this word then he is referring to common knowledge of taught believers.

Another important aspect is emphasized by the placement of  oi=da  in the context. It is put in the emphatic position in the text. By doing that Paul is saying that the theme here is based on fact not feeling.  Not on emotions!

This is undoubtedly one of the most whined verse in Scripture. Everything is total chaos, nothing is going right at all, their life is a zoo, and then they whine, God causes all things to work together for good!  That is not the idea or thrust of what Paul is saying here at all!

This is very strong, very emphatic;  And we know!!

What we "know" are the facts of God's truth, His revelation to us. These facts are not profitable to us unless we believe them so that they become an indelible  part of our frame of reference (F/O/R) and we are willing to apply them, that is, to be obedient to the Word of God.  (Heb. 4:2)

The greatest enemy that we as believer's have in our life is ignorance of the Word of God. This often begins with indifference, apathy toward the Word, which usually leads to a failure to assemble consistently. The result is no F/O/R of truth, nothing for the Holy Spirit to work with to motivate you with. The believer w/o an extensive F/O/R of truth is like a ship with out a rudder; has no direction in life and is headed for a shipwreck in life.  (Eph 4:14)

Corrected translation from the Greek text of Rom. 8:28:   And we know that to the ones who love God, He works  together [blends/mixes together] all things resulting in good, to those who are the called according to (His) purpose.   

The KJV and the NASB miss the emphasis of the original as the relationship of the phrases are moved around. The newer NET and ESV both get it right.

What we need to ask is what's the "all things" that is the subject of the works together referring to?

It's all the circumstances of life, all the common human problems (CHP's) ,  all those things that you will have to face that are beyond your control. All the suffering related to your stand for Christ, all the suffering related to living in a sin cursed world.

I would not include in this the self induced misery that comes  from the consequences of committing sin and living out of fellowship that  you experience in your life. Paul is addressing those that are justified by faith, indwelt by the Holy Spirit and are dead to sin, and  those loving God.

When you take that CHP, that test that your facing and mix it together with what you KNOW, doctrine, the truth from the Word of God, illuminated by the Holy Spirit, then there is a result, an end.

The idea of the verb is that it works together; to mix together; to cooperate. (sunerge,w)    It's in the present tense therefore what Paul is talking about here is to be true consistently throughout our lives.

God takes the circumstance of life and His word communicated  and believed and applied to come together to provide the necessary resources for His own.

Next we need to note the result of the mixing of truth and the circumstance together. It is "for good".

For we know that to the ones who love God, He keeps on mixing together; blending together all things,  for good,  

This does not say or even imply that all things are good!  When thinking of what is good in any context we must ask from whose standpoint, or by whose standard or definition is it good?  Good must be defined from God's standpoint.   Good is not as we might perceive it or even wish it to be!

God is the only source of good and therefore God is the only definer of good. It is not whatever we desire or whatever we think will make us feel good, experience pleasure, or bring us happiness!! 

Since the good here is defined by God!! What is always the highest good??    God's glory!

So all these things; the CHP's; the situations in life,  ultimately work towards an end;  God's glory!

Point is that God takes the adversities, the circumstances of life and uses them in such a way as to present to us various situations in our lives where we're going to have to make choices.

Choices to mix that situation being faced with the DVPT, the  resources that God in grace has made available to all who seek it; with the result we produce divine good that will be rewarded at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

And it is this divine good that ultimately glorifies God!  Sure your blessed in time by using the divinely given resources, its always in your best interest,  but that is secondary! The Primary thing is that God is glorified!  Most of us find ourselves thinking God must not know what a mess I'm in! How can God take this mess I'm in and work it together towards a good end,  namely His glory??  He is able to do that because He is the Sovereign God of the universe!   He is in control!

Paul is describing here the mental attitude that we as believer ought to have as we face each day that He has given us.

Remember the corrected translation: And we know that to the ones who love God, He works together [blends/mixes together]  all things resulting in good, to those who are the called according to (His) purpose.  


What we should be learning here.

1. We know some facts, some knowledge; (oi=da) common knowledge of taught believers.  Therefore we have settled convictions based on the Word.


2. That it is only believers in view is seen in the phrase;   to those who love God. 

This describes the believers who mix their known truth, BD, with the circumstances of life;  Mix the resources that God provides with the circumstances of life faced.

The one who loves God is known by Him, has a relationship, has fellowship with Him. 1 Cor. 8:3

To be one who loves God, this describes the one who has recognized that Christ is his life (Gal. 2:20)  and that his life is hidden with Christ in God (Col 3:3);  therefore he is occupied with Christ (Heb 12:2) and is obedient to His word.  (Jn 14:15)

Love  is active and it refers to an attitude that results in action, not a passive emotion. Definition of Love: is an attitude that motivates one to do what is in the best interests of another in the light of eternity [therefore defined by word] regardless of the costs [time, energy, effort].  

Love then is knowing what is right and best for another and doing it,  even when you would rather be doing something else. 


3. He, (God), works together [blends/mixes together] for good.

God takes the circumstance of life/CHP's and His word communicated, believed and applied to come together to provide for His own in the midst of the CHP faced but in the bigger picture which Paul is really focusing on here it is to get us to a desired end!  The Good!


4. The Result/end  is "for good".  

What is "good?"  from whose standpoint or standard?

Good must be defined from God's standpoint,  good is not as we  might perceive it or even wish it to be!  God is the only source of good and therefore God is the only definer of good.  James 1:17

The Good here has nothing to do with our short range comfort. Therefore Good is not whatever we desire or whatever we think will make us feel good, cause us to experience pleasure, or bring us happiness!!  It has everything to do with our long range welfare from God's viewpoint.

Since the good here is defined by God!!  What is the highest good??   God's glory!  Here in the context the good is associated with God's purpose, we are the called ones according to His purpose!  This purpose, that brings Him glory is also related to our destiny detailed in the next verse that of becoming conformed to the image of Christ.


So all these things; the tests, the CHP's; all the situations in life, ultimately work towards an end;  God's glory! 

Point is that God takes the adversities, the circumstances of life and uses them in such a way as to present to us various situations in our lives where we're going to have to make choices. Choices to mix that situation being faced with the DVPT, the resources that God in grace has made available to all believers who seek  them and apply them;  with the result that we produce divine good.

Ultimately making choices within the framework of the will of God, the process of sanctification; growing and maturing as a believer!  This leads  us to be increasingly conformed to the image of Christ;  which is the ultimate objective!  And it is this that ultimately glorifies God!

Sure your blessed in time by using the divinely given resources, (James 1:25),  its always in your best interest,  but that is secondary!   The Primary thing is that God is glorified!   &