Theology Proper - Who is God?                           Lesson 16


   c. Omnipresence - OmPr

1.     Definition: The entire essence of God is present everywhere.   (God's relationship to space)




      2. All beings, human, angelic, and even God as a person have 3 possible relationships to space.

         #1 - some may be at only one place -> that's man,

         #2 - some beings may be any place -> angelic (Job 1:6-7 Satan (ubiquitous, finite)

         #3 - some beings can be at all places at all times -> God


            Scripture:  a. Jer. 23:23-24;    

                        b. Isa 66:1


      3. There are two classes of passages dealing with God's OmPr.

         #1 - Ps 139:7-12  - His being is in all places.

         #2 - Ps 113:5; 123:1  - Problem, these seem to localize God


***   4. Have passages dealing with God being everywhere, OmPr, these passages are referring to His essential presence.


***   5. When we look at God as doing certain things, performing certain functions at a certain place it is referring to His functional presence or His relational presence.


      6. Scripture to document these two Principles in Pt #4 & 5.

         a. Acts 17:24-28 - God's presence is unavoidable


         b. Mt 28:20 - last documented teaching to the disciples after the resurrection.

         c. 1 Kg 8:13 - localized in the temple > His functional presence related to worship/fellowship with man


         d. 1 Kg 8:27 - Solomon recognized God's OmPr - His essential presence.


         e. Isa 55:6 - describes one of the functions He desires to do which is to provide forgiveness, cleansing.  Says, "If you seek me I'll be there."  [pos. vol. to the plan and provision of God.]


         f. Ex. 25:21-22 - Is God no where else when He was at the Ark of the Covenant?


         g. Pro. 15:29 - Far from the wicked - expresses His functional relationship with evil verses His relationship with the Believer in fellowship.


****  You can localize God's function in              to man but not His essence, His character.


      7. Application of OmPr

         a. The first evidence of sin after the Fall is to ignore the OmPr of God.

            Gen. 3:8 - attempted to hide from God

            - man thinks he can find a place to avoid God and the consequences of his sin.

      - Job 24:14-17;





         b. God's OmPr reveals how brazen sin really is!  Esther 7:7f

                      Relate to God:



             Therefore because of something essential about His character, namely His OmPr, EVERY SIN IS BRAZEN, reason is, that sin isn't done while deceiving God, it is done with Him looking right square at us.


    **** David acknowledges this Principle in Ps 51:4


         c. OmPr is the basis for encouragement and elimination of fear.

            Haggai 2:3-4

            Isa 43:1-5 -

            Ps 23:4 -


         d. The doctrine of God's omnipresence can become a comfort to the believer if he will recognize and rest in the fact that he can experience no adversity apart from the presence and care of God.

Josh. 1:9; Heb. 13:5-6; Matt. 28:20


         e. OmPr of God is also a warning against disobedience and a preventive against sin.

            Job 1:8; answer in 31:4