Theology Proper - Who is God?                           Lesson 14


5. Application of OmSc

a. Need to learn that because God alone is the perfect source of information and knowledge, I need to avail myself of the wisdom that God has revealed to me in His Word, the Bible (Isa. 55:8; 2 Tim. 3:16-17).

b. Understanding God's OmSc takes all of our intellectual pride/arrogance and squashes it. 1 Sam 2:3


        c. OmSc > relaxes prayer Mt 6:7-8


   d. Makes God's Word dependable (prophecy good case in point)


a.  Ps 90:8  There is no such thing as a secret sin.


b.  The only totally honest relationship we have is with God.


           As a believer He knows you and still accepts you!

           Who else would do that?

           All is due to the sufficiency of the work of Christ and the security derived from our position in Him.


     Relate Omniscience to some of the Absolute attributes

        1. OmSc + Self-existence

           God knows             He is the only one of whom we can truly say no one made, the uncaused cause, He exists all by Him self, He is totally independent.

           Combination: God knows everything there is to know and He is          on no one for that knowledge.

         What can we say about His OmSc?

          - it's not something that is           , therefore it is innate.


          - Isa. 40:13-14 > not only knows all things innately.


        2. OmSc + Eternity

           Concept: God knows all things and one million years from now He won't know anymore than He does right now or even a million years ago.


     He is not waiting to see what we will do before He acts.


   *** When you finally start understanding these characteristics of God and relate them to yourself as a believer it should give you great stability in your life.



        3. OmSc + Immutability

           - God knows all and that fact will never change.


b. Omnipotence

Intro:  It would be simple to say that God has the power to do anything, but its not true!

God does not have the power to do anything, that is not the meaning of OmPo.


      1. Definition:

God possesses the Power to do all that He wills to do and all that is in             with His nature, essence.


      2. Principles and Scripture to Expand and Explain the Concept.

         #1- God can do as He wills with or without means!


           - This tells us, God never can get into a situation where He doesn't have the means to accomplish what He wills.

             a. Gen. 2:7 - made / formed man from the dust of the ground.  rc;y"

             b. Gen. 1:11 - let the earth sprout vegetation


Observation: When God does something through means, man often looks to that means as if it is a god, and               it. 


             c. Gen. 1:3 No means here.


                He just willed it to be, and it existed (ar;b')

                - real difference in will between God and man.


             d. John 2 shows a good example of the power of God, Jesus Christ willing something into existence; water into wine!


           #2. What God wills determines what He does!

             - action is always preceded by will   - Eph 1:11


             - The real question here is Does God will to do so?

             - Ps 115:3;  Ps 135:5-6

          Rem: His actions precede from His will.



Unfortunately many people never get over the fact that God does not always desire to do what they want Him to do, i.e. according to their wisdom.


              So what God wills He does.

               - ex: Mk 14:35-36  Question here is not the power of God, His OmPo, but His will!


         #3. God cannot do that which would contradict His own holy character or essence.

             What God is in His nature determines what He does!





PRIN: God's actions, what He does are always determined by two things, His will and His nature.