Lesson 10

Theology Proper - Who is God?

5. Figurative Names

    1.  Father > most common, 15x in OT, 245x in the NT

        As Father He gives His children grace and peace, Eph 1:2-3;           1 Ths 1:1

        Jas. 1:17

        2 Jn 4


      2.  King > Ps 10:16; Isa 43:15; (Isa 33:22)


      3.  Lawgiver > Isa 33:22; Jas. 4:12


      4.  Judge > Gen. 18:25; Ps 50:6; (Isa 33:22)


      5.  Rock > Ps 19:14; 2 Sam 22:2,32; Deut. 32:4


      6.  Fortress > 2 Sam 22:33


      7.  Deliverer > Ps 18:2


      8.  Savior > Isa 43: 3;11


      9.  Husband > Jer 31:32; Isa 54:5


     10.  Vine dresser, vine grower, husbandmen > Jn 15:1



   1. Definition: The perfections, the characteristics of God as stated in Scripture.

      - All that makes God, God, that He has revealed to us.


   2. Importance > Why should we study them.

      - we are to proclaim them, God's excellencies, His essence;    1 Pet 2:9


      AXIOM: Our view of God always determines our conduct.

      - If God does not exist:


      - If one has a distorted view of who God is:





   3. Classification of Attributes

      a. Absolute: Those characteristics that belong to God alone.

         - There is no illustration to be found in man.




      b. Analogous: These are characteristics that can be illustrated in man;  they find an analogy in man. i.e. love.


         Love, for example, is not a part of God's nature; God in His total being is love.




         God is more than the sum total of the perfections or attributes that we will study for when we have listed all of the attributes we can glean from His revelation, we have not fully described God.   This takes us back to His incomprehensibility.

         God's perfections are known to us then only through           .

         Man does not attribute them to God; God reveals them to man.

         All of these perfections of God describe equally God/Father;         God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.  They describe the nature of the Triune God  and therefore each person of the Trinity.





  C. Definition:  From Dictionary

An attribute is "Something attributed as belonging; a quality, character, characteristic, or property" of someone or something (American College Dictionary).

     In theology, however, God's attributes are His perfections.





  d. Explanation:

1.    The works of God are manifestations of His attributes.



     2. The harmony among the attributes, or their mutual dependence.



Though the characteristics in the attributes of God are very distinct in some contexts, they are never to be isolated, nor dissociated from one another.



     3. God's attributes were never acquired because they are essential to what He is.

        His attributes represent what He is, what He has always been, and what He will always be forever.


4. Examine the Absolute Attributes of God

   a. God is Self-existent > I am   hy;h' (hajah)

      Definition: God is in no way              on anything or anyone outside of           for his existence.

      - If we were to ask who made God? Answer is NO One!


      - He does not need or is not dependent on me or you for His existence.



      What this says about God is that He is:

uncaused,  had no beginning,  no one made Him, He doesn't lean on anybody,   He doesn't need anyone,   He's independent,  He can operate perfectly well without any of His creation, without any of us,   He doesn't even need angels.



        God is self-existent. He is the God who is!!

        Scripture: All passages that give His exclusive name YHWH could be cited.  LORD

        Main one is Ex 3:13-15 "I am who I am"  This asserts His independence and self-existence.



   b. God is Infinite

      Definition: All of God's attributes/characteristics are unlimited, they are without boundaries.


      - Probably the key word here is unlimited.        

This applies to all of His attributes so as we consider each one we need to consider that it is unlimited, infinite in degree.


Scripture: 1 Kg 8:27