Lesson 8

Theology Proper - Who is God?




3.   Scripture is right, causing joy. Vs:8a

 > The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart.

 > Precepts brings into focus the fact that God is the definer of duty; the principles, the guidelines for character and conduct.  (piqqudim)






>  And what does it say will be the consequence of being on the right path?? What is the benefit for now? today? tomorrow?

     "rejoicing the heart"  it brings us great joy when believed




4.  Scripture is Pure, Enlightening the eyes  vs:8b

-  the commandment  not a series of suggestions to be taken lightly

-  pure   clear, lucid not mystifying





5.  19:9  The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever;

-  speaks of the respect and awe that we should have for God and His word; takes us to His authority. 

-  tied to hearing the word Dt. 4:10

-  clean  speaks of the absence of impurity, defilement, contamination, imperfection



**  There is nothing out there that is as permanent as the Word of God! Nothing!


6.  The judgements of the Lord are true and righteous  vs:9b

- judgments  mishphatim speaks of decisions; has a legal nuance;

Psalm 119:138; 142



Seven contrasts between G/R and S/R.

  1. Where is G/R? >> in creation.

     Where is S/R? >> in the Scripture.

  2. To whom is G/R given > all mankind

     To whom is S/R given > all who are believers

  3. What power does G/R have > points to God's works in creation.

     What power does S/R have > points to God's provision of salvation

  4. Scope of G/R > universal

     Scope of S/R > universal but limited -  1 Cor 2:14

  5. What function does G/R have? > to show man is condemned

   - What function does S/R have? > to provide salvation info

  6. Duration of G/R > temporary - is passing away Heb 1:10-12

     Duration of S/R > permanent - 1 Pet 1:23-25

  7. Results of G/R > makes man responsible before God. Rom 1:19-20

     Results of S/R > makes one wise to salvation 2 Tim 3:15


D. God - His Names

  1. Source of His names




  We will examine these names in four categories:

     #1 - Basic names

     #2 - Compound names (two groups)

     #3 - Descriptive names (7)

     #4 - Figurative names (fortress, rock)


  All of the names of God are relational.

In Ex 3:13-15 We see God's real name.

I am who I am  (hw;h' 2x's or hyx)



    - All of the names of God point to and give us an under-standing of how God relates to His people so that the net result after we have studied the names we should have a better grasp of not only who is God but what He wants to be in relationship to you and to me!



First Category!

  2. Basic Names

     a. God > El  la,  - ,yhila, > the strong one, the powerful one


- of a human leader Ex 7:1

- of a deity - Gen. 1:1


        "In the beginning the Strong One" -- it takes great power, Omnipotent power - power to the infinite; "to create the heavens and the earth" or in vs:3 to create light etc. rest of context.


     b. Lord, Adonai, yniid{a'  > master, owner, emphasis on          .

        this one is also used of two groups, both men & deity


        The master has the right of implicit          ; the servant has the right to  


             ,               in his service.


- of men  >  Numb 11:28


        - Sarah used it of Abraham, Gen. 18:12  "my lord"


        - Of deity  > Ex 4:10 > 2nd one Lord, master context: God



     c. The Exclusive name of Deity.

LORD > hwhy > YHWH, The self-existent one who reveals Himself.