Lesson 26  -   July 25,  2001


** Question:  Where does real defiling come from?   (external  or internal)


Mark 7;  see here some teaching that Jesus gave that is pertinent.












7.   2 Cor 10   How to deal with the external attacks.




In 10:4-5 he summarized how he dealt with it!

He gives us the principle on how we should also deal with and respond to unfair and unjust treatment.




We as believers are in a battle, in the midst of a  spiritual warfare;  but notice that we have been given weapons to fight this warfare!





Can you control what you think??





What are these fortresses that we are to tear down?





What is on the throne here??







8.  Classic example of the rejection of responsibility!   Saul  1 Sam. 13


#1  See the progression beginning with 13:8-13. 


#2  15:1-3   given his marching orders;


#3  18:6-9    eaten up with jealousy of David


    #4  18:12     jealousy quickly turns to fear


    #5 18:20-21   everything he does is now controlled by his reaction of fear


   #6 18:29     his fear deepened.  Sin not handled becomes deeper more involved.


   #7  28:7      looses contact with the truth, with  reality and consults a witch, a medium;  [violation Dt. 18:9-14]


   #8  31:4      End  result, he kills himself,






Ø      One of the greatest privileges that we have as a believer in Christ   is in the area of making choices. Choices to affirm the will of God!



  It should have helped us see the provision, the resources made in Grace for each of us.





End of Study