Lesson 23  - June 27, 2001

Prescription for a Healthy Heart Part 2                                  

1.  What is the healthy heart? - the healthy mind? 

It is a mind with                   volition to the            and               of God.


2.  A healthy heart is a mind of self-control!


a. Prov 14:30

The way we think; what we think can and does have an                 on our health.



b. Prov. 15:28

Notice here that the healthy heart, or mind having self-control does not                off.

The control of the tongue or what one says                with the thinking.



c. Prov 16:23

Talking about lots of            -           related to what one says!



What this says is that there is to be some                , some evaluation done before the               mouth opens and speaks.



So if we have a healthy heart/mind, one built on DVPT, then that mind has                  of the mouth.




3. A healthy heart/mind is marked by the welcoming of truth!

a.  Prov 14:33 


Wisdom rests, it finds no resistance, no discomfort in the heart of the one who                has                       ,  that is has the word of God, Dvpt.



Side trip:  Prov. 1:20-23


The naïve:


The scoffers:


The fools:


4.  The healthy heart is one that is totally dedicated, totally focused on God and His word.

What we're focused on [thinking] is related ultimately to our                 in life, the choices we make.




a.  Ps 119:10-11   (concept of whole heartedness)

 He points out that Word of God does not have      place but must have           place.

119:10  With all my heart I have sought thee;




This is a very important concept in our lives, as we think about seeking the Lord, we must notice that it is done in connection with God's              .



He is determined to seek the Lord, totally dedicated to that,  but he is also                 ; knows his natural                        !   Knows his Sin Nature.



b.  What is our defense against sin, going astray, wandering  vs:11


The emphasis here is not on the Word but on the                .



There can be no                       of the Word in a given situation if it is not already logged in your heart.


c.   Summary:  In these 3 verses (9-11) there are three important concepts  about the Word that we should know.

1. (vs:9)  stress is on the                 of the Word to the believer  personally.


2.  (vs:10) with my all my heart,                          you have the emphasis on                  of the Word personally.


3. (vs:11)  Stockpiling the Word in my heart has a                 , to keep me from            , personally.                 Where is the place of the Word in your life?