Volition Lesson 16 -  5/09/01

Ø      Some Considerations in Decision making!

      To say that God leaves many, many choices to us does not imply that God does not lead or that our decisions ought to be arbitrary.



1.   Principle of Concentration on the known will of God.



2.   Thoroughly investigate the Pros and Cons;  reasons for and against!



3.  What options before me gives the best opportunity to glorify God;  to fulfill my purpose for being on planet earth.




4.  What choice will best aid me in maintaining my spiritual priorities?



5.  Trust the Lord to do for us what He did for Paul!   Example:  Rom  1:9-10


1 Cor 16:5-9


Rom 15:22-26;  also in vs:30-33.



2 Cor 12:7-10




6.  A wrong choice - is not necessarily a sinful one!





7.  God allows wrong choices as part of His pedagogy of believers.