Lesson 13 - April 11, 2001


Ø   He wants us to come to the point that we will say, whatever His  choice is,  that's good!  Whether or not we see it or not, that's  God's choice and we affirm it by agreeing that it is a good choice.


Ø   Now that has implications for us in respect to His will!

#1  Need to identify God's choices! 



#2  How does our will relate to the will of God?


-  Look at Phil 2:12-13




Ø      Specifics of God's Will relative to Man!


The  Word of God (WOG) puts mankind in two categories;  Unbeliever and Believer.



God has a will not only relative to man but to salvation.

Passages relative to God's will in terms of justification.   

#1. 1 Tim 2:3-4



1.  "All"  is emphatic in the Greek sentence.

     The emphasis is on the scope of the divine desire.



2.  "desires"   qe,lw

God is a God who characteristically desires all men to be saved.


The meaning here is a wish flowing from a desire!



3.  "to be saved" sw,|zw


It is God's desire that all men be acted upon in such a way as to be saved.



4.  "and"  extends God's desire;  His desire for you does not stop with your becoming Saved!


5.  "to come to a knowledge of the truth" 


God desires not only entry into His Plan but progress in it!


He desires not only that we become His children,  but that we also grow up spiritually.



Translation vs:4: "who desires all men to be saved and to come to a full, accurate knowledge of the truth!"


Ø      Now, where does that bring us in our study of Volition??

     How you relate to the word of God is by your choice!


   #2.  2 Pet 3:9


The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish





"but for all (scope of grace provision) to come to repentance!"