Lesson 6

Ø      Ten Basic Considerations  

Things or areas that in regards to volition we need to keep in our minds; need to understand.


1.  The believer needs to have a proper view of the sovereignty of God and the will of man.


A Practical Test

1.  Does the thought that God is Sovereign ever cause you not to pray for change?




2.  Who opens doors and opportunities?  God does right? 





Conclusion: (Pt #1) If we have divine vpt mentality, we will not allow  ourselves to dwell on any supposed tension between Sov of God and the responsibility of man to choose.


2.  We need to understand why believers often have problems with  decisions.





3.  The believer should take time to analyze his daily decisions in terms of quality.




4.  Ability to make choices is a major factor in self control!




5.  Choices that we make always reveal priorities.





6.  There are 2 fundamental on-going choices that we have to make daily.




#1  Must have an ongoing priority, a continually held decision  concerning the word of God.  Ps 119:30



#2.  A fundamental ongoing decision related to our sin nature.    Rom 6:12-13;   Gal 5:16




7.  God's first assignment to man was responsibility.  Gen. 1:27-28




8.  We must distinguish the pagan idea of fate, (includes luck,   chance, fortune)  this stands over against the Christian view which   is this;

Ø      Above is YHWH, a Sovereign God; about whom we know 3 things;

     #1 He is a personal God, He doesn't desire to break us;        keep me under the pile so to speak; He desires willing response to His will.

     #2 Not only is He personal, but I don't have to second guess Him;  He has revealed Himself.

     #3 He is in control;  man's responsibility is positive volition to God's revealed will.


Ø      Contrast that with  Pagan view of life.