Lesson 1


Intro Observations:


Ø      One of the greatest privileges that we have as a believer in Christ is in the area of making choices.  Choices to affirm the will of God!



Ø      We can only honor Christ as we know and use His thinking, His viewpoint which we discover only in the Word of God.



Basically we will find that choices can go in 2 directions.

We always have the power of choice in 2 things.

  #1 The actions that we take;  Those that we initiate



  #2 We always have the privilege, the right to choose our   reactions!



So volition is a CRITICAL part of our make up as homosaipiens;       

- part of what goes into making us "imagio deo".


** Working Definition:

Volition = that God given capacity to choose.

Volition is a part of a larger area of truth; the doctrine of man.



One's view of the origin of man is critical; actually impacts much of what we think.


Ø      For origins we need to go to Gen. 1 and look at some basic things related to creation.


Gen. 1:26 Have 3 basic creation concepts pertinent to our study

  1.  Man is made by divine plan. 


logical observation:  If we are made by God then the fundamental duty of man;  man's main responsibility then is directed towards God, to obey Him!





We are made by divine plan. 

God owns us therefore God has the right to command us and we have a responsibility to him!


2.  Man is made by divine pattern. "Let us make man in our image,"

This is not in the physical sense but refers to the immaterial part of man.


- Words used to convey the existence of the immaterial part of  man;  soul;  heart;  mind; volition;  conscience.



- The fact that man is made in the image of God is the reason given for capital punishment. Gen. 9:9


3.  Man is made for a divinely established purpose!  Gen. 2:7

"Then the LORD God formed the man of the dust from the ground,"

- "formed" - rcy  yatsar; emph is on design; intent; purpose




"and He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life."

- word for breath here is crucial; neshemah hm"v'n. 



Ø      Need to note also what the Word says about the capacities of man.

1.  To think;  refer to it as intellect.


2.  To appreciate things;


3.  The capacity to choose - Volition!


Ø      As we focus on this ability or capacity to choose that we have;  we need to recognize that in the world there are 3 wills functioning.

1.  God has a will.  This is very clear.


2.  Man has volition;  is free to make decisions.




 One of the important concepts that we need to understand as we develop and go through this study of volition is this:

Ø      God allows His will to be challenged!!


Point is that God is so Sovereign, so in control that He can allow His choices, His plans to be challenged and yet His Plan will be fulfilled completely.