Foundations Study  - The Christ Centered Life  Lesson 18 & 19  February 10, 2002



2.  Transformation that takes place on becoming a Believer  6:17-22

     #1 of a new position with a new master; New Servant hood  v.17-18


        - What you were is contrasted with what you became, What you now are!




If there is anything that is true of everyone who has ever lived it is that they are slaves of something!



     The issue here is not whether we are servants but whose servants?



Going back to vs:17 we'll find out how this change of master came about!

"you became obedient from the heart, [wholehearted, genuine, real, not just external going through the motions] to that form of teaching to which you were committed,"









Next aspect of the transformation of the believer

     #2 there is a difference of conduct;  v.19-20

         -  again contrasts our conduct before the cross with our conduct after the cross.




       -  There's an analogy here between before and after the cross; indicated by the just as;  so now





   What is the difference between the 2?  The just as and the so now?





Before the cross; its deeper and deeper into sin/lawlessness




After the cross; its deeper and deeper into sanctification;  growing and maturing as a believer.





#3  There is in the transformation of Believer;   New benefits; v.21-22

      vs:21 before the cross - under the old servant benefit is death

      vs:22 after the cross - benefits are sanctification; eternal life


vs:21  the fruit of sin is death.



vs:22  What a contrast. What a difference that God's Grace has made!



3. The Summary 6:23 



   The proper and fitting compensation for sin is death!




   What's the counterpart to wages?  free gift   ca,risma  grace gift!




Some Key Concepts Pertinent to Positional Truth


1.  Positional Truth is the Foundation for Growth and Change in life.





Positional truth then means that we share in all that Jesus is in His person and we share in what He did and will do, its His Work.

Therefore being identified with Christ:

       (1) As He died unto sin, so we too have died unto sin.  Rom. 6:2,3


       (2) As He rose from the dead, so have we.   Romans 6:4,5


       (3) As He is seated at God's right hand, so are we.   Ephesians 2:6


       (4) As He is the Son, so we are now sons by faith. Gal. 3:26


       (5) As He is eternal life, so we have eternal life. Rom. 6:23


       (6) As He is perfect righteousness, so we have His righteousness.    Phil. 3:9



2.   The Nature of Our Position in Christ as Believer's



3.  Our Position in Christ is Perfect and Complete


We lack nothing (cf. Eph. 1:3 and Col. 2:10)




Positional truth means at least three wonderful facts for every believer:

  (1) He totally surrounds you; you are enveloped by His life. Col. 3:3


  (2) Your position is protected from any and everything that is hostile or dangerous. Romans 8:34-39

  (3) He supplies you with every possible need for life (Eph. 1:3;    Phil. 4:19; 2 Pet. 1:3;  Heb. 12:1)



4.  Our Position in Christ is Eternal and Permanent


There is nothing we can do to lose it (John 10:28-29;  Rom. 8:32-39).


This is evident from the fact that the carnal believers at Corinth are viewed as permanently set apart, sanctified in Christ (1 Cor. 1:2).




5.  The Wealth of the Believer's Position in Jesus Christ

A.  As to Christ's PERSON:

Being in Christ we share in the following:

(1)  As He has perfect righteousness, so do all believers.     2 Cor. 5:21


(2)  As He has eternal life, so do all believers. 1 Jn. 5:11-12


(3)  His eternal destiny becomes the destiny of all believers.    Eph. 1:4-5, 10-11


(4)  As He is the Father's Chosen One, so all believers are chosen ones. Isa. 42:1;      Eph. 1:4;   


(5)  As He is the Son of God, so all believers become sons and members of God's family by adoption and by regeneration, the new birth.


          John 1:12-13; Eph. 1:5; Gal. 3:26; 1 John 3:2

(6) As He is the Heir of God, so all believers are heirs of God.  Eph. 1:14


(7) As He is the Great High Priest, so all believers are all priests of God.  1 Peter 2:5