Foundations Study  - The Christ Centered Life  Lesson 17 February 6, 2002

Intro Review:





7. Christ and His righteousness are the end of the law for righteousness to every Believer, Rom. 10:4;






8. Christianity then is not a system of legalism nor is it antinomianism.





9. The law and its ultimate intent are fulfilled in the Believer by    agape-love, the mental and overt expression of the essence of the indwelling Spirit of God within, Romans 13:8; Galatians 5:14.

   - flows out of walking by the Spirit, reflecting His character

   - Rom 8:4







10. Conclusion: Believers are in no way connected to the Mosaic Law.

   - by the works of the law no man is justified  Rom. 3:20

   - the power to live the CWOL is not found in the law either!



Ø      The theme of vs:15-23 is that we are freed from the OSN and now we are servants of God!


1. The whole of Rom 6 is structured around 2 questions: w/o knowing the structure you'll miss the thrust of the chapter.

   #1 Shall we, as believers,  continue in sin so that grace may abound?




   #2 6:15 Shall we continue in sin because we are under grace, not law.   6:14 is the springboard for this one;




2. The last 5 words of vs:14 are identical, letter for letter with a phrase in vs:15.


   - Question that the objectors are raising then is, what will regulate man's conduct? 





Believe the objections raised at this point are based on several false assumptions;  false assumptions about the Christian life!

   #1. Law is the only way to control the conduct of man!




   #2. Freedom from law equals freedom to sin!




   #3. It is also assumed that grace has no power to motivate and          control!





3. There is a lesson in this context on how we can misuse truth!




   Lesson is:

     Wrong understanding of right teaching can result in wrong conduct!




4. Rational for this next context! 




Ø      Outline: v.16-23

  1. Options for life; 6:16 

     Who is your master!

  2. Transformation that takes place on becoming a Believer  6:17-22

     #1 of a new position with a new master;  v.17-18

        - once were;  contrasted with what you became,  now are!

     #2 there is a difference of conduct;  v.19-20

        - again contrasts our conduct before cross with our conduct after the cross.

     #3 There is a transformation of benefits; v.21-22

        v.21 before the cross - old servant resulted in death

        v.22 after the cross - sanctification; eternal life


  3. The Summary 6:23

     - The benefits are very crisp and concise; its either death or life!

     - And all the way through the passage Paul is saying the choice is yours!


6:16  The Options - states a basic principle; one we all know


   The Believer has two options here; 

    #1 to present himself as slave to sin - the old nature!


    #2 to present himself as slave, obedient to God.






  - In the last part of the verse Paul shifts from principle to practice;

    "Someone" & "one" are replaced with sin or obedience;



  - Notice the results indicated;  [eij] 

    #1 sin results in death 


    #2 obedience results in righteousness