Foundations Study    Lesson #1 & 2 December 30, 2001

The Christ-Centered Life

                                         The Foundation is our Position in Christ


Review:  Important Aspects of Spirituality












A foundation is the basis upon which something stands, or is supported.



There is an important principle here for our spiritual life. Mt. 7:24-27



What is the only adequate foundation for eternal life and a life that results in true spiritual transformation?



We must understand that the first key to effectiveness in living a godly life is to know what God has done for us and to know what our resources are in Him.    How?



In terms of all aspects of our salvation and all that it brings we must know and be convinced that God has done it all.



Understanding what God has done for us and who we are in Christ is foundational to having the right motive for living the Christian life, and the right motive is a vital key in the process of transformation, growing and maturing spiritually.



The means for knowing who we are so that such knowledge transforms our motives and thinking is a renewed mind in the Word, having a mind saturated with divine viewpoint:



Our position in Christ and our identification with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection forms the basis, the foundation for victory over the desires of the flesh (sin nature) and provides us a completely new capacity for life.



How the great Doctrines of Romans fit and relate to our lives;



  #1 b  Justification                                                                        



                                      #3  Glorification

                                      conformed to the image of Christ




                    #2  Sanctification                                                                     

                        process of living




#1 a   Salvation














Ø      Romans 6  Overview;  breaks down into 3 parts; 3 paragraphs   

  1. 6:1-11  Emphasis is on information;


  2. 6:12-14  Emphasis is on exhortation;


  3. 6:15-23  Emphasis is explanation;







                         He died for me, back there!

                                  x       Paul says;  You also died with Him!





Ø      Paul begins by answering in this context, 2 major questions;


     #1.  Question raised in 6:1   Ethical question;



     #2.  2nd Question is in Rom 6:15  Legal question;

If we're not under the law than what is going to restrain the OSN?



Ø      Some important words to watch for:

  Have a term that is found 16 times in chapter 6 alone h` a`marti,a.  [he hamartia - the sin]




     2 more key words


       Know v. 3, 6, 9 [oida]   basis for all advance as a believer!


       consider; v. 11 to reckon   logizomai  






- If we fail to understand the message of 6:1-14 we will always be spiritual casualties on the road of life.