Lesson 31

Second Peter

Warning against dangers facing the Church


2:20 For if having escaped from the contamination of the world, (and they have 1cc)  by the full knowledge (epignosis) of the Lord even Savior Jesus Christ, but having been entangled again they are inferior (state of rejection of truth) than the last has become worse for them than the first.


Summary observations:

1. Must be clear that the subjects of this verse are the new believers we met in 2:18 and are the prey of the false teachers with their arrogant high sounding empty words.


2. The basis of this conclusion is Peter’s use of  avpofeugw to escape from completely in 1:4; 2:18 and 2:20.


3. Here in 2:20 “having escaped the contamination, the defilement of the world” refers to the reality of retroactive positional truth (RAPT).


4. The epignosis of the Lord even Savior Jesus Christ indicates that the Gospel heard was understood and acted on by faith.


5. The contamination or defilement refers to the corruption from the sin nature’s activity as per their pre-salvation pattern of life.

- Peter has already exhorted them to not revert to that pattern of life in 1 Pet 1:14


6. We as believers are constantly having to make decisions to prevent the weeds, the CHP’s of the day, the various distractions from choking off the DGP,  the fruit in our lives.  (parable of the sower,  Mark 4:18-19)


7. These new believers having come under the influence of these false teachers have become entangled again in their pre-salvation pattern of life lived while under the sin nature’s rule.

- they have succumbed to the line of the F/T’s that its ok to pursue the various lust patterns of their sin nature which they so often make their appeals.


8. This puts them experientially in a spiritually inferior position, that is enslaved to the sin nature as they were prior to salvation.


9. The worse condition of the latter state is greater because the deception is greater, they have bought the lie that they can have the CWOL and still pursue the lusts of your sin nature.


10. Having rejected truth the discipline is greater.  Luke 12:48


 2:21 Exposure to BD raises one’s level of accountability


For it would be better  the opening for (ga,r) tells us that what follows further explains 2:20



not to have known the way of righteousness,

than having known it, to turn away from the holy commandment handed on to them.



to turn away  aorist active infinitive, speaking of the time they went negative to BD  u`postre,fw  to turn back, to turn about (make a complete 180 degree turn around) 

-  this is a verb of reversionism, to reject the light of BD, and reverting to darkness of the kosmoj  


Next we find a description of what they turned from   

from the holy commandment handed on to them.



- a`gi,aj evntolh/j  injunction, charge, precept, commandment that is the doctrine that they were taught, specifically not the gospel, already believers and this speaks here of rejecting the challenge of experientially righteousness in their life after salvation.




2:21 For it would have been better for them (experientially) not to have fully known the way of righteousness, than having fully known it to turn away from the holy commandment delivered to them.



2:22  The Proverb  Come True


It has happened to them according to the true proverb,



- point here is that continued negative volition to doctrine not only puts the believer on the road to reversionism but sets up a series of events that can lead to the sin unto death if not dealt with


"A dog returns to its own vomit,"


- The term dog or ku,wn   was used metaphorically in Scripture for;

Gentiles  - Matt 15:26

Negative unbelievers – Matt 7:6; Rev. 22:15

False Teachers (Judaizers)  Phil 3:2

- Here dogs is used in this context of those who persistently pursue error.




returns  aorist participle of (evpistre,fw)  to turn to, to return (another word for reversionism



vomit  evxe,rama   refers to what is thrown out


When these pagans became believers they were given new life in Christ and they were isolated from the sin natures rule, but not having built a strong foundation of truth they came under the influence of the slick teaching of these false teachers and returned to the domination of the sin nature, the vomit if you will.


"A sow, after washing herself, wallows in the mire."


- The point I believe is that you can clean up the external, the outside but what really matters is what is on the inside, what’s the motivation for one’s life.


Summary Observations:

1. There are 3 interpretations of this passage that are commonly taught:

a. That it refers to individuals who were saved but they have lost their salvation.

- it may satisfy for them the immediate context of vs:20 they see the contrast between knowledge of LJC and being inferior, the worse state equals a loss of salvation

- but clearly this violates the basic teaching of Scripture that we know as eternal security therefore this interpretation is wrong


b. There are those that teach that these are people who have heard the gospel but rejected it, never believed it.

- This doesn’t satisfy the immediate context based on the meaning and usage of the word avpofeugw  (to escape fully).

- It does satisfy a true Biblical principle that those who evaluate and judge the gospel as erroneous rejecting it are worse off thatn those who are negative at God consciousness and never heard the gospel all things being equal.  Luke 10:12-16

The greater the extent of warning being rejected, the greater the judgment in Eternity in LOF.


c. Correct view: This refers to individuals who have believed in Christ and who rejects the challenge to experiential righteousness  at some point in their life.

- In 1 Peter they were the external pressures of the pagans but here we find some have responded to the high sounding but empty words of these F/T’s.


2. Views a & b interpret the holy commandment as being the Gospel message.


3. View c  interprets the holy commandment as the phase 2 call to experiential righteousness which was previously given to them in 1 Peter 1:14-16.


4. Peter here in this context is pointing to a situation where it would be better if one did not have DVPT epignosis.


5. Namely when one knows better, having been exposed to the truth and rejects it.


6. The more truth one knows when they peel off, going negative, into reversionism the worse it is for them experientially. 

- the principle is “to whom much is given, much is required”  Luke 12:48


7. If this state of reversionism is perpetuated the individual is headed for the possibility of the maximum discipline of the sin unto death.  1 John 5:16

- must recognize that there are 3 levels of divine discipline

- this is noted in 1 Cor 11:30-32


8. The  worse state then is that of no blessing from God in f2, but being the recipient of severe discipline according to God’s timing and ultimately the loss of reward at the JSC.