Lesson 29

Second Peter

Warning against dangers facing the Church


2:19 The False Promise of the False Teachers  

- Need to identify who is in view here;  them = the new believers spoken of in vs:18 whom the F/T’s are seeking to dominate with their false teaching.

- While they refers to the false teachers


All their promises are in direct contrast to God’s valuable and exceedingly great promises made to the believer 2 Pet 1:4.


while they themselves are slaves of corruption;  refers to the F/T’s


-  corruption (fqora,)  depravity, corruption that results from the continuous rulership of the sin nature


promising them freedom while they themselves continually exist as slaves of corruption (from sin nature rulership)


for by what a man is overcome, by this he is enslaved.



-  Now we must ask and answer the question, what is the mechanic in view that set all this in motion?  Through the many volitional choices made to ensure the ongoing sin nature’s rulership and pursuing its various lusts and cravings.


by this he is enslaved.   Perfect passive indicative (doulo,w) has been enslaved

-  this speaks of the total mastery of the volition and therefore the person by the sin nature’s rulership. 


2:19  promising them freedom while they themselves continually exist as slaves of corruption (from sin nature rulership)  For by what anyone has been conquered or made inferior, by this he is enslaved.  


Same basic principle found in Rom 6:16

The Options for Life - states a basic principle; one we all know 


Believer has two options here; the choice one makes points out who is the master!


#1  to present himself as slave to sin - the old nature!


#2  to present himself as slave, obedient to God.


- Read 6:16a  Who is the someone?  The who is not the issue here at all!

Reason is that Paul is dealing with a general principle that applies to all; he isn't trying to point to anyone in particular.


- Do you see anything here that would indicate compulsion to serve? No!

"You present yourselves,  pari,sthmi  you put yourselves at the disposal of someone, your choice!  [Active voice]



- In the last part of the verse Paul shifts from principle to practice;

"Someone" & "one" are replaced with sin or obedience;  Read v.16b


- So the issue is quite simple; its either operating in sin or obedience;  sharp, crisp distinction; no gray area here!


- When you get it right down to where the rubber meets the road;   at any point you have 2 options; to choose to sin or be obedient; either obey the word or not!  Obey God or Go your own way!



- This last part of the verse points out the seriousness of the case;  either of sin resulting in death, or of obedience resulting in righteousness?


 The question is,  Who is your master; sin or obedience? 


#1 sin results in death 



#2 obedience results in righteousness



2:19  promising them freedom while they themselves continually exist as slaves of corruption (from sin nature rulership)  For by what anyone has been conquered or made inferior, by this he is enslaved.  



Summary 2:19:

1.  The freedom that is promised is not the freedom we enjoy from relationship with Christ and truth but from license to pursue our own individual bent of our sin nature unrestrained.  John 8:32-36; Gal 5:1, 13


2.  They advise the individual to abandon their inhibitions, which leads to moral license.


3.  Having abandoned the establishment, they despise authority (2:10) and moral principles, promote sexual license, materialism lust have no absolute standards these false teachers themselves are slaves of their sin nature.


4. They teach that sin is only defined by the culture one lives in.


5.  By pursuing the lusts of sin nature the believer is brought into an inferior position in CWOL in that they are defeated and enslaved.


6.  Only the advancing believer with BD, DVPT, has the provision so that we can be free from the slavery to lust pattern of the sin nature.


7.  The reality of this freedom is only realized when that BD, the identification truths are believed and applied.  Rom 6:11


8.  The advancing believer has no allusions about themselves and recognizes their weaknesses, their areas of vulnerability and through their consistent pursuit of BD they seek to build up defense to combat these areas.


9.  So freedom and liberty is the result of the positive advancing believer converting truth, BD, into reality through its application in their life.


Principles of Freedom related to the believer in Phase 2

[Drawn from a study of elutheria (n) eluqeroj (adj) and eluqerow (vb)]

1.  The unbeliever is totally subject to the slavery of their sin nature, but Christ has set us free breaking the power of the sin nature.  Gal 5:1


2.  As a result we are not to be enslaved, under the yoke of the sin nature.  Gal 5:13

- it is not the will of God for us to be dominated by the sin nature

3.  The indwelling Holy Spirit that we received at salvation by every believer, it is His ministry in our life that is the potential for this liberty and freedom.  2 Cor 3:17

- its potential, He indwells  all but does He empower the life making the freedom real


4.  The Word of God is the perfect, complete (teleioj) law of liberty freedom. Jas 1:25

- looks intently  Spiritually would indicate the believer in Bible class intent on gaining every principle, every point of BD in the passage being taught.

- abides by it not becoming a forgetful hearer, no application


5.  The freedom the believer gains through Christ and a BD’l frame of reference si not to be distorted into giving the sin nature opportunity to function or use that freedom as a pretext for evil. 1 Pet 2:16


6.  As believers we will be judged, evaluated as per the perfect law of liberty. Jas 2:12

- that will be the standard of evaluation not only in time but at the JSC  2Cor 5:10


7.  Legalism always enslaves but BD applied under the empowering ministry of the H/S provides freedom.  Gal 2:4

- external standards established by man to empress God and to empress or control others


8.  False teachers preach freedom from any restrictions which only produces slavery to the sin nature.  2 Pet 2:19


9.  Instead of being slaves to the sin nature we are to be slaves to God which produces benefit in life, experiential righteousness, DGP.  Rom 6:22

- this slavery to God brings into view the integrity and honor of the believer in f2 that is DGP which will be rewarded at the JSC. 


10. Freedom for the believer often involves restraint of legitimate activity in order to not become a stumbling block to a new or immature believer. 

Prin stated in 1 Cor 8:9; 1 Cor 10:29; Rom 14:13-17


11.  The equality of freemen and slaves is only found in our being in Christ, our union with Christ.  1 Cor 12:13; Gal 3:28; Col 3:11