Lesson 19

Second Peter

Warning against dangers facing the Church


2:5 And He did not spare the ancient world but preserved Noah, a herald of righteousness, an eighth when He brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly.



1. This second example presents the human side of the antediluvian apostasy the judgment of this generation who were willing dupes of Satan’s strategy.

- they made willing choices that resulted in them becoming asebēs ungodly.


2. Their wickedness had been great. Every imagination of the thoughts of their heart was only evil continually (Gen. 6:5).


3. In God’s sight the earth was corrupt and filled with violence (Gen. 6:11–13).


4. The Lord was pained that He had made men on the earth (Gen. 6:6). He was so grieved that He determined to blot them out (Gen. 6:7).


5. In the midst of all this evil Noah faithfully proclaimed the message to that generation that they needed to hear that judgment was coming and he did so for 120 years before the flood came.

- as always there was grace before judgment


6. A herald, kh/rux , was a highly honored person who was a spokesman for king or emperor.  Noah spoke for God in his generation and we see in Gen  6:9 God’s evaluation of him.


7. The message he gave was scoffed at as well as the preparation for the coming flood, the building of the ark.


8. Just as in the last generation of the church age BD, Word of God will be mocked and ridiculed. 2 Pet 3:3


9. The general characteristics of the days of Noah are similar to the time of the last generation of the church age.  Matt 24:37-39

- their pattern of life will be totally indifferent or apathetic to the will and word of God, they are hedonists or as Peter refers to them here as asebēs.


10.  Make no mistake, the flood was the result of the justice of God in operation and is an example of His ultimate control of natural phenomena for the purpose of judgment.


2:6 The Third Historical example of the Justice of God, the judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah


It wasn’t until the early 1970’s that the ruins of Sodom and Gomorrah were   discovered southeast of the Dead Sea.



Actually the explorations showed that this was the second time they were destroyed. The first was only a partial destruction when they were attacked by Chedorlaomer and the kings that were with him.



and if He condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to destruction by reducing them to ashes,


- condemned   katakri,nw  (aor act ind) to pronounce a verdict against someone,  to sentence to a punishment, therefore to condemn


- The how! by reducing them to ashes, tephroō (τεφροω),  not so much to reduce to ashes but is literally to cover with ashes, was used of Mt. Vesuvius eruption that covered Pompeii


That they were judged becomes an example for the following generations.

having made them an example to those who would live ungodly lives thereafter;




Who are the ones who are the objects the warning of the justice of God.

to those who would live ungodly lives thereafter



2:6 And if (1cc) He condemned the cites of Sodom and Gomorrah to destruction by reducing them to ashes having made them an example to those who intend to live ungodly thereafter.  (in the future)


Clearly from God’s standpoint the sin in view was and still is egregious to God, so much so that He destroyed these two cities.


The people accepted homosexuality as a normal way of life. This sin is described in Romans 1:26, 27.



It is no accident that this Epistle, dealing with apostasy, should have so much to say about immorality; the two often go together. Apostasy often has its roots in moral failure.


Next some details about Lot which gives us some pointers about the deliverance of negative believers.

2:7 and if He rescued righteous Lot,

- Key word here and in verse 9 is rescued  r`u,omai  aorist indicative which means to save, deliver, or to rescue.

Some other uses of rescue:

- Rom 7:24  translated “set free”  or to rescue from this body of death, rule by the sin nature; the mechanics or the how is given in Rom 6:2-11.

- Rom 11:26 where Jesus Christ is described as the deliverer or rescuer of Israel at the second advent.

- 2 Cor. 1:10 deliverance in a past hopeless situation gives confidence and comfort related to future deliverances.

- Col 1:13 Christ delivers or rescues the believer from the authority of darkness, Satan’s system of evil in the kosmos; we are now to live in the light of the Word.

- 1 Ths 1:10 Once again Christ is described as the deliverer, the one who will rescue us from the wrath to come, the Tribulation by the Rapture.


righteous Lot  di,kaioj righteous or just

- If we were to only understand who Lot was by the OT account we wouldn’t conclude that he was a believer, a righteous man positionally.


oppressed by the sensual conduct of unprincipled men

- he was oppressed katapone,w to wear down through exhausting work


- the present tense says that he was continually oppressed, he knew that the sexual perversions practiced were wrong but was so enamored with the materialistic gains he acquired there he attempted to ignore it

by the sensual conduct of unprincipled men




- unprincipled men  word is a;qesmoj and means to be lawless, without principles or N&S; here it describes the lifestyle of those in Sodom and Gomorrah


- This does not refer directly to the Mosaic Law specifically all though they are but  a;qesmoj speaks of a more basic violation of the law of nature and conscience that is homosexuality.  


2:7  And if He rescued righteous Lot (and He did) being oppressed by the conduct of lawless men in the sphere of lasciviousness (homosexuality).


Summary 2:6-7:

1. This third example is from the time of Abraham (1952 – 1777 B.C.) and is dealing with the judgment of massive sexual perversion which has made Sodom and Gomorrah famous even today.


2. One of Satan’s abuses or distortions of freedom is promiscuity which is easily rationalized under sin nature domination.


3. The false teachers of Sodom and Gomorrah taught that the abnormal was normal, its just an alternate lifestyle.


4. This is a part of the ministry of false teachers who exploit by fabricated words. They teach that there is no such thing as sin, not responsible for your actions.


5. The rise of homosexuality and its acceptance, toleration by society or a nation is an indication of society or nation that is facing impending judgment.


6. This is an indication of the level of maturation of evil of a generation or a nation.