Lesson 7

Second Peter

Warning against dangers facing the Church


Review: Rabbit  trail of Rom 5:3-4

"knowing that our tribulation brings about;  or produces"; 


*** What we have here is a major indicator of what a mature or advancing Christian is!

The extent of maturity is demonstrated by how we deal with pressure.

Prosperity is not good soil for growing, advancing believers; but pressure is!


- In the context here we have 3 categories of fruit that pressure produces;

#1 perseverance   

#2 proven character  

#3 hope  


Hope -> pressures -> perseverance -> proven character -> hope which is strengthened

* The idea here is that the pressures/suffering inaugurates a chain of linked virtues;

1 Pet 1:6-7;  speaks of various trials -> proof or demonstration of faith -> being tested and  approved by fire [increasingly greater tests] 

what results is praise, glory,  honor directed toward Jesus Christ!



Then there is Jas. 1:2-4  know that the testing of your faith -> patient endurance  -> leads to maturity [being all that God desires and expects]




Rom 5:3 says And not only this, [that is rejoicing in the glory of God] but  we also exult [rejoice, have joy] in our tribulations,


What we are to rejoice in is what the pressures produce!


5:4 The fruit is threefold: 

The fruit: #1 = perseverance  hu`pomonh, 


- It speaks of steadfast adherence to a course of action in spite of  the difficulties and testing one might experience in life.


In other words the one who does not have patient endurance and  therefore is unstable is constantly running from one situation to  another, always reacting, never dealing with anything therefore is unstable, flip-flopping on everything.


#2 Patient endurance leads to proven character, dokimh,

- this means to be approved/accepted after being tested, to be tested  and found to be genuine or reliable;


- When you face the tests/pressures of life and bear up under their load by utilizing the divine operating resources you have;  then you are approved/accepted by God.


#3 Proven character leads to hope   evlpisj  our confident expectation in our future glory is reinforced, strengthened.


What conclusions should we be able to make:

I am here in this situation: 

(1) by God's appointment,  (filtered through his Sov before you experience it)

(2) I'm in His keeping,

(3) I'm  under His training, and 

(4) its all for His timing.



Summary of  Romans  5:3-4  (Truth is consistent with the thrust of 2 Pet 1:5-7)

1.  Must learn very quickly as believers that between salvation and glory there are going to be tribulations!!


- REM: your in the midst of a spiritual conflict (INNER - the battle for ruler-ship of the soul, the influence of your thinking and EXTERNAL - pressure from many sources; which will increase as we fast approach the end of the C/A.  


2.  The sin nature tends to rejoice in overt blessing but NOT in suffering and tests. 

(tendency to rejoice in others' suffering / tests but not one's own)


3.  Only those believers who are plus DVPT, having BD forming their frame of reference and use it are able to exalt in their CHP'S - tribulations; to have and know the reality of a mental attitude of joy in the middle of the test.

- Must learn to F/R the situation - A/BD; recognizing that the Lord will provide what I need to work thru the test.  (point of 1 Cor 10:13)

4.  When we face that test (O/A) head on and apply truth we will develop patient endurance and build proven character.  


5.  Patient endurance here indicates having a relaxed mental attitude under pressure and having confidence respecting your niche, the place where God has put you.


6.  When you adjust to where God wants you to be, utilizing the discernment gained from the Word, and you hang in there, regardless of the CHP'S and the human viewpoint advice that says quit, move on, you develop this Christian character, this proven character.


7. This proven character manifests itself by the absence of complaining, nagging, hitting the panic button, and the absence of a frantic search for happiness. 


8.  Our entire history from salvation to maturation is a daily challenge to field the common human problems that will come, the results of which being tallied by God  and is parlayed into your hope, your eternal reward given at the JSC.


9.  This hope is only realized when your faith, the truth in you, your resident BD is tested and the result - this hope will never disappoint, or put you to shame now or at the JSC.


We left vs:6 in the middle of it and we have one more virtue that is linked in the chain to patient endurance.

1:6  and in your knowledge, self-control, and in your self-control, perseverance, and in your perseverance, godliness,



godliness  (euvse,beia) 

- speaks of a manner of life characterized by reverence toward God and respect for the beliefs and practices related to Him


#1 - 1:3-8 speaking of the one who lives their life in the expectation, hope and pursues epignosis, a full knowledge of the truth

#2 - 2:9 will be provided the resources the spiritual assets to handle temptation

#3 - 3:11-14  the one who lives their life in the light of His return


  So the bottom line is that godliness refers to a life of active obedience to the standards of God and therefore is a synonym for the advancing believer who lives life applying the truths of the Word.   


1:7 and in your godliness, brotherly kindness,  (filadelfi,a) love of the brethren, other believers;  this speaks of a fervent practical caring of others

- This is  not just love, but the love, that reflects an attitude first towards God, we love God and are occupied with His Son Jesus Christ!