Lesson 5

Second Peter

Warning against dangers facing the Church


4. The promises in view here include the "mystery doctrines" that are unique to the Church age.

a. Ministry of the Holy Spirit

1. Baptizing - enters each believer into union with Christ   1 Cor 12:13

2. Indwelling each believer from the point of salvation Rom. 8:9; 1 Cor. 3:16

3. Filling or empowering ministry of the Spirit in the life of the believer so that we're able to understand the word taught and walk by the Spirit reflecting the character of Christ.


b. The indwelling of Jesus Christ  - Gal 4:19  until Christ is formed in you 


- The verb formed is  morfo,w  and illustrates the use of aorist;  here its culminative;  this then looks at the end result of many decisions to take in the Word and to learn who Christ is and His thinking.

- Basic idea of the word is to cause something to have a certain form or nature; in the passive to take on a form,  be formed,  here Christ be formed in you; 

- Ultimately what Paul is anguished over is that they should be reflecting the character of Christ in their life; That Christ's life and nature be seen in them.

- Also must ask with the passive, since it places an emphasis on something  external what is it?  What's the mechanic?  The how!

- The answer is the Word!   Word of Christ richly dwelling within Col. 3:15  parallel to Eph 5:18 where we're commanded to be filled by means of the Holy Spirit, which describes the Holy Spirit filling us with Christ, that is the Word and does so through faith. Eph 3:17

- Verb is in the Subjunctive mood which points out that this is potential therefore tells us what Paul is referring to happens or occurs, this Christ being formed in us, during our life after salvation. 

This capacity for Christ being formed in us  flows from what is ours in Christ positionally.

- Paul is saying  much the same thing as he did earlier in 2:20.


c. Being in union with Christ we become royalty 1 Pet 2:9  "a royal priesthood"


d. Heirship/inheritance which is unique   Rom 8:17

- As a believer, as a son,  you are an heir of God, not only that, you are also fellow heirs with Christ!

What belongs to Him belongs to you!  How much is that?

Look at Heb 1:2  Christ's inheritance is awesome!

- This is what adoption is all about;  God has placed us as sons, with all the rights privileges and benefits and blessings that comes from being God's son; this includes an inheritance;

present [Eph 1:3;   and future [1 Pet. 1:3-4]


e. The Rapture of the Church, that is the believers of the Church age 1 Cor 15:51


5.  What's a mystery??  Need to go to Eph 3:1-4 to gain some insight on this.

- "mystery"   musth,rion;  this is another major word for Paul [6 in Eph.; 4 in Col.]  all with the def. article. so is specific not a generalized use stressing character.


Four aspects

1. It refers to something previously concealed but now revealed.


2. It was concealed in the past but is revealed in the present.


3. It speaks of a part, an aspect of God's will, His purpose, His plan,  that was concealed from man in the past but is now revealed through Paul.


4. Very important:  It is something undiscoverable by human reason;  it was only known by divine revelation.


Clearly Paul is not the source or originator of the mystery truth is emphasized 2 ways in vs:3

- First that its "by revelation"  avpoka,luyij  avpokaluyisj  the unveiling of that which was hidden or concealed.


- Second "was made known," is in the passive voice; he received the revelation, he did not originate it!


* What was revealed and made known to Paul was the mystery truth, doctrine



Something else that is important is indicated here!

- When he says that he has placed it in writing, the content and explanation of the mystery has now become inscripturated, a part of the revelation of truth in the Word of God!  part of the Canon.


- Notice carefully what it says;  "when you read you can, [you are able, have the ability - du,namai dunamai] to understand my insight into the mystery of Christ;   that is both Jew and Gentile in one Body in Christ!



- The word for understand describes mental activity, noew; means  to perceive, to understand, to gain an insight into;



This does not refer to reading in the way you would sit down to read the newspaper, a novel or what ever; but the idea of the word is to read analytically, carefully with some intensity in your concentration on the content.



* Our insight comes from intense reading, study of the written Word! Along with the illumination of the Holy Spirit!  NO shortcuts!   Must be in fellowship empowered by the Holy Spirit for this to be a reality.


*** Do you realize what this does?  What this says about Christianity?


The fact is that Biblical Christianity is not ritual, it is not based on emotion, it is thinking! 



I want you to know how to think, what to believe, and its not lighting incense or candles, or going through some elaborate ritual, what it is, is having your act together mentally, knowing what you believe!



If we don't have proper thinking, belief, if we don't think right, we will not act right.


6. All of these valuable and exceedingly great promises flow to us based on our salvation in Christ.  1 John 2:25 (begins with the promise of eternal life)


7. The result of understanding these promises is assurance in life of our future in Christ.


8. We are partakers of the divine nature through positional truth (realized at salvation) also experiential righteousness (living out the truth in time) and finally in glorification in a resurrection body for eternity.


9. The goal or objective for the believer should be to have the capacity to realize these valuable and exceedingly great promises in time.


10. When we realize these valuable and exceedingly great promises in time we then have the capacity to reflect His glory, His character in our life.

- this is what is referred to as experiential righteousness, knowing what is right and doing it


11. Peter recognizes that we are free positionally from the corruption of the sin nature but we must be experientially free from its domination and therefore its corrupting influence in our life if we are to reflect the character of Christ.


12. The more epignosis we possess the greater becomes our freedom, our capacity to operate independent of the debilitating influence of the kosmos system out there under Satan’s domination and therefore be able to glorify and serve God.