Lesson 3

Second Peter

Warning against dangers facing the Church


1:2 May grace and peace be multiplied to you all by means of the full knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.



1.  Peter states his desire for those he's writing to and in the wider sense to all believers in every generation of the church age that grace and peace would be multiplied in their lives.



2.  He uses an unusual or rare construction that is the optative mood to express his desire.



3.  The reason is that the optative mood fits in with the prophetic aspect of the epistle in that he realizes that with the coming reality of false teachers in the church and the resulting defection from doctrine.



4.  This multiplication of grace and peace is tied directly to the individual's understanding  of the word of God so that divine viewpoint is stored and ready for illumination by the Holy Spirit for application.  Psa. 119:9-11



5.  What's the example just noted from 1 Peter?  Patient endurance under UNDSF results in grace blessing in time and eternity.



6.  You must be faithful in both hearing, the intake phase, as well as putting the principles of truth into operation as necessary.  Jas. 1:22-25



7.  Peace is a spiritual blessing whereby we can have a relaxed mental attitude and confidence in time even as the circumstances of life seem to be against us.



8.  With max knowledge here referred to as epignosis and its application nothing can disrupt your RMA because you have the divine viewpoint that is needed to handle the situation you may be facing.



9.  It is only doctrine that can arm you to resist, to stand firm against  the subtle distortions and distractions presented by the false teachers that are out there.



1:3 Expanding the how or the mechanics of the multiplication of grace and peace

That is the DOA's  for it to become a reality.


seeing that His divine power  - have here a subordinate causal clause that is dependent on the main verb of vs:2 be multiplied



His point here is that this can and will be a reality if you utilize the DOA's provided which he is stressing here.



divine (h` qei/oj) (also in 1:4) godly or divine is used to refer to what comes from God here modifies power, (du,namij) which speaks of inherent operating power



This should remind us that nothing is impossible with God, whatever He does must be in line with or consistent with His +R/J that is His integrity therefore must not violate His essence.





His divine power has granted   perf mid participle of (dwre,omai) much stronger word than the more common didomi for giving.

- means to grant, to bestow, to give as a gift



to us  (h`mi/n) dative plural -> indicates what is given is for our advantage/benefit

- God has granted to us as Church age saints something very valuable, something that can't be improved upon, all made possible flowing out of salvation and our relationship with Christ in time.



everything pertaining to life and godliness,



- this brings into view the spiritual blessings that accrue to the advancing believer of this dispensation referred to in Rom 8:32


life  (zwh,)   this refers to f2, the provision necessary to pursue consistently the intake of the Word of God, the logistics needed for living the new life in Christ.


godliness  eu = good   seb = respect for what is noble  (euvse,beia) 

- speaks of a manner of life characterized by reverence toward God and respect for the beliefs and practices related to Him



- Peter will point this out that it depicts the pattern of life of the believer:

#1 - 1:3-8 speaking of the one who lives their life in the expectation, hope and pursues epignosis

#2 - 2:9 will be provided the resources the spiritual assets to handle temptation

#3 - 3:11-14  the one who lives their life in the light of His return


So the bottom line is that godliness refers to a life of active obedience to the standards of God and therefore is a synonym for the advancing believer who lives life applying the truths of the Word.


through the true knowledge  (dia. th/j evpignw,sij) genitive case = speaks of the means or agency for attaining the "all things"  therefore is the mechanics



of Him who called us aorist act ptc of (kale,w); the Him is Jesus Christ;

How did He call us or anyone for that matter, through the Gospel message which is an invitation to all, unfortunately only a few are persuade by  the specifics of the Gospel and believe.




by His own glory and excellence.


-  glory  (do,xa)  dative instrumental; refers to the divine essence


-  excellence (avreth,)  dative instrumental;  refers to moral excellence, virtue, preeminence

This is an active concept and therefore refers to the display of His divine essence in His grace, goodness, and poured out mercy in relationship with His own.



1:3 Because of His divine power (inherent operational power - OmPo) has granted to us (for our advantage) all things pertaining to life and godliness through the means of full knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and virtue (essence manifested).



1.  Due to Christ's unsurpassed and unique achievement in the 1st advent, that is related to His cross work, we as believers are the recipient of all things, the provision needed for life and for godliness.


2. His OmPo (inherent operating power) stands behind us as believers providing the DOA's to live our lives and bring glory to Him.


3. The mechanic of understanding the nature and the extent of the DOA's available to the believer (the all things) is to have the full knowledge of Christ.


4. Only through the consistent feeding on the Word will we attain the epignosis, the full, complete knowledge of Christ needed for life and godliness.


5. This epignosis that Peter refers to is not only the very source of divine viewpoint but also the basis of divine guidance which results in the virtue of godliness being reflected in the life.


6. The all things pertaining to life brings into view the provision of living grace or logistical grace which supports the advancing believer who desires to know the Word so that they have that opportunity to pursue consistent intake of it.          Lk 12:22-31


7. Growing out of the consistent intake, the spiritual advance of the believer is the all things related to godliness, that is, the character of Christ being reflected in the life as the Word is lived out.




8. The potential is there for every believer for the "all things" to accrue to them in time.

- rem: it is God's stated desire that all believers come to a knowledge of truth therefore He will make the provision so that it is possible


9. Persistent negative volition will neutralize the whole process and the resulting realization of blessing in time and eternity.


This negative volition is evidenced in several ways:

a. failure to assemble consistently

b. failure to concentrate on and believe the Word heard

c. failure to apply the truth when the opportunity or need arises


- So B.L. is that the whole process of realizing the provision and blessings of the all things pertaining to life and godliness can be shut down by our volitional choices. 


- It is never due to the lack of available resources.