Lesson 94

Romans Chapter 7                             

Freedom from the Law's domination                

or the total failure of the law to sanctify.


Intro next section:   7:15f

What this section covers is what can be reality in our life as believers but should not be, and won't be if we utilize the grace provision we've learned from chapter 6.



Any conduct; any thought, whatever you say will be influenced by one of 2 sources:

  #1  the flesh/Sin nature  >  result  >   sin or human good

  #2  the indwelling H/S    >  result  >  D/G/P  [divine good production]


In this context, Paul is dealing with the struggle that will always be present when the indwelling H/S is not empowering the life.



It's comforting in a sense to find that such a great apostle as Paul faced the same kind of issues that we do!


Law is spiritual, not the problem, I am of the flesh sold under the authority of sin; that's the problem; that's the condition when the H/S is not empowering; that's a clear statement of the present  state/condition Paul is dealing with here.


  In vs:15-25 Paul gives us an explanation of what he just said;


How would you know that there are 3 different words here for doing? 

#1.  doing  katerga,zomai  -  working;  producing

#2.  practicing  pra,ssw  -  practice

#3.  doing   poie,w  -  to make, create, manufacture;   idea here is performing


Look carefully at 7:15

#1.  What I am producing, Paul says, I do not understand;


#2.  I am not practicing what I would like to do!  I'm baffled!


#3.  I'm performing that which I hate!




Everything that you are mentally, volitionally, and emotionally is involved in this struggle.          

                                                                                                      New man

                                            sin nature            





What Paul is saying!

  What I think in my mind (new man) is not what I am producing!

  What I choose to practice is not what I would like to do!

  What I hate that I am performing!






- Our ability to handle the onslaught of the old nature is not a matter of choice based on self-determination!  Not at all!


Its based on fact; on truth the reality of what Christ did on the cross!

And my attitude towards those facts!


- Anytime we attempt to deal with the exigencies of life, - the pressures that will come from the indwelling sin nature, on the basis of our own merits/abilities;  the result is the struggle Paul is detailing here.





Ø      In vs:16-17  2 conclusions drawn from what he just said;

7:16  But if (since 1cc) I do the very thing I do not wish (to do),  I agree with the Law, (confessing)  that it is good.


-  Says that within me there is a good dynamic functioning.  i.e. the new man.


- What is it that is in Paul that agrees with the law?  Identifies what is right!  vs:22  new man, new creation;


*  When you have the law of God in your mind, in your thinking, in your conscience; your not going to approve what you practice that is outside of that framework.



Ø      In vs:17 have a second conclusion;  there is an inner evil - sin 

"So now, no longer am I the one doing it, but sin which indwells me." 


We must be careful here, at this point and not excuse our sinning by passing it off to the indwelling sin nature.  Therefore, somehow, I can't help it!


We must be careful here, at this point and not excuse our sinning by passing it off to the indwelling sin nature. Therefore, somehow, I can't help it!


What Paul is doing here is pointing out the source of his sinful behavior, not excusing it!



- Rem: You choose who influences - dominates!  new or the old man!  How?


Ø      7:18-19  How he knows what he just said in vs:17


-  We will have no success as a believer in the sphere of a worthy walk; living a holy life!  Until we learn the same lessons that Paul learned and is reporting on here.


7:18  For I know that nothing good [avgaqo,j( intrinsic good] dwells in me, that is, in my flesh; for the wishing [qe,lw fr. resolve, decision, intend purpose, aim] is present in me, but the doing [katerga,zomai - producing] of the good (is) not.


7:19  For the good that I wish [qe,lw, desire]  I do not do [poie,w performing]; but I practice the very evil that I do not wish.


*  Paul makes a very strong dogmatic statement; there is nothing intrinsically good in my flesh that is in my sin nature!



*  I have the desire to do what is right, but I don't have the resources in and of myself to translate this desire into action.



*  As long as we continue to look inside or to ourselves;  we will be one mass of contradictions and paradoxes!