Lesson  88

The Christ-Centered Life

                               The Foundation is our Position in Christ - Rom 6


The Impact of Positional Truth on our Life as Believers


5.  The Wealth of the Believer's Position in Jesus Christ

A.  As to Christ's PERSON:

Being in Christ we share in the following:

(1)  As He has perfect righteousness, so do all believers.     2 Cor. 5:21


(2)  As He has eternal life, so do all believers. 1 Jn. 5:11-12


(3)  His eternal destiny becomes the destiny of all believers.    Eph. 1:4-5, 10-11


(4)  As He is the Father's Chosen One, so all believers are chosen ones. Isa. 42:1;      Eph. 1:4;   


(5)  As He is the Son of God, so all believers become sons and members of God's family by adoption and by regeneration, the new birth.

John 1:12-13; Eph. 1:5; Gal. 3:26; 1 John 3:2


(6) As He is the Heir of God, so all believers are heirs of God.  Eph. 1:14


(7) As He is the Great High Priest, so all believers are all priests of God.  1 Peter 2:5



B.  As to Christ's WORK:

Being in Christ by faith, we share in His work past, present, and future:

   (1)  In Christ, believers are                     to God by His substitutionary death.   Romans 5:10


   (2)  In Christ, believers have                  with God.   Rom. 5:1


   (3)  In Christ, believers have His                   imputed to them.  2 Cor. 5:21


   (4)  In Christ, believers are justified, declared                  .   Rom. 5:9


   (5)  In Christ, believers are                    by His blood.  Eph. 1:7


   (6)  In Christ, believers have                  of sin.  Eph. 1:7


   (7)  In Christ, the demands of God's holiness have been satisfied;  God has  been                 .  Rom. 3:25 - 26;  1 John 2:2;  4:2


   (8)  In Christ, there is now no                   .   Rom. 8:1


   (9)  In Christ, the penalty of sin has been                  , that is removed.  Col. 2:14


 (10)  In Christ, believers are no longer guilty or under the  condemnation of                  and its sentence of death.      Rom. 7:4-6;  Col. 2:14


 (11)  In Christ, believers are                     , made fit and sufficient to be partakers in God's family and inheritance.          Eph. 1:5-6,  Col. 1:12




C. Ramifications of Christ’s death related to the Believer’s life.


(1)  In Christ, believers have also died with Christ in His death and burial.  Rom. 6:3-4; Col. 2:12


(2)  In Christ, the believer's relationship to Adam has been severed and the dominion of the sinful nature, though still present, has been broken.  Romans 6:1-14


(3)  In Christ, believers have been raised with Him for a walk in newness of life. Rom. 6:4-5, 8-12; Col. 2:12


(4)  In Christ, believers are seated with Him in the heavenlies at the right hand of the Father (Eph. 2:6).


(5)  In Christ, believers have an eternal access to God, we are made nigh to God, translated into God's kingdom, and delivered from Satan's kingdom and the power of darkness.  Eph. 2:18; 3:12


(6)  In Christ, believers have a perpetual and an effective High Priest, an advocate and two intercessors, the Son at God's right hand, and the Holy Spirit who dwells within.      Rom. 8:26-27, 34;  1 John 2:1


(7)  In Christ, believers have special significance and the basis of a true self-concept [esteem] as the children of God.



There are a number of ways we could apply the truth of our position in Christ, the truth of identification.




Concerning Obedience

After declaring the believers identification with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection, the Apostle says: "Even so consider yourselves to be dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus" (Rom. 6:11).





So what has Paul emphasized:

 *  First we must know the facts of our identification with Christ      (vs. 1-10).


 *  Then we must count on them as spiritual realities,  by faith [believing them] (cf. vs. 11 with vs. 8).


 *  Third, knowing and believing in our new identification, we are to choose to present ourselves to God for obedience (vs. 12-18).


 *  This presentation is ultimately carried out through walking by faith empowered by the Spirit who dwells within each of us (Rom. 8:1-13; Gal. 5:16).






Since believers are complete in Christ, there is nothing they can add to gain salvation, or to maintain their salvation (Titus 3:5; Eph. 2:8-9; Rom. 8:32-39).


To trust in anything other than God's full provision for us in Jesus Christ is to be faithless in our position and futile in dealing with our condition in life.



There are two strong implications here:

  * Security:  Believers are doubly safe with Christ in God (cf. John. 10:28-29;  Rom. 8:38-39).

  * Provision:  The believer's life is nourished and supplied by hidden resources which the world cannot know nor provide.