Lesson 52

Romans Chapter Four   

Justification Illustrated


1. Notice the tight logic Paul uses;  Justification is of faith, then its of grace therefore its of God;


- God's plan rests upon faith as man's part in order that on God's side it might be according to grace; faith is not a work;


2. Any law system has no grace. Its sole principle is merit!


- Man does not want to, and fights against what he must do; and that is to give up years of being religious; years of attempting to do good works to impress God.

3. The truth that man alone will never come up with, none of man's philosophies will come up with is this;  that one should be declared righteous on the basis of a perfect work performed by one other than themselves!  


4. Abraham here is set before us as the example of justification by faith, and he never heard of the 10 commandments;  never heard yet he was justified!


5. Abraham's Circumcision Paul said was a sign, a seal of the righteousness of faith.  Its a sign of but is not the reality.

- Point is this: whatever ritual that is appropriate as a sign is totally useless as a reality.


- The reality is only realized by faith in Christ and his word.


6. The BD of Justification by faith creates a unity in the church.



- Think:  Is not your eternal future important enough to stay focused  on what God said not on what man might say?


7. Nothing is secure that is based on human merit;  vs:16


#3 Strength of Abraham's faith  4:17-22. 


- Paul is once again making his point by appealing to the only authoritative source;  Scripture!   What does the Scripture say?


Genesis speaks of what is future from Abraham's standpoint; Historically Isaac does not exist yet!

Here Paul puts it in the past completed tense [perf] which puts it from the divine perspective;  if  God said it,  its as good as done! And it has lasting results!



- Not just any god;  He is a God who gives life to the dead;  and calls into being that which does not exist.

- Since God is the source of life it is no surprise that He is referred to as the one who gives life to the dead.


- God is in the business of  giving life to those who are dead;  Eph 2:1,5;  Jn 5:24;   1 Jn 5:10-12



- The second statement about God speaks more directly to this aspect;  and calls into being that which does not exist.

Speaks of the creative power of God;  lit. calls the things not existing as existing;



- Also in the context of Salvation is this not what also happens when  one responds to the convicting ministry of the H/S and believes;

God not only gives life to the dead as we noted but is in reality calling into existence what was not existing; a new creation in Christ!  With a whole new basis for living life now and forever.


In 4:18-21 we see the nature of Abraham's faith.

1. His faith was in hope against hope  vs:18

2. His faith was opposed to the circumstances vs:19

3. His faith was not divided  vs:20

4. His faith was based on the character of God  vs:21

1. 4:18 - His faith was in hope against hope 

- Against hope looks at vs:19 which details the sexual deadness and  inability of both Abraham and Sarah at 100 and 90 years old.


- In hope looks back to the one who made the promise; the one who gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not  exist.


2. 4:19  His faith was opposed to the circumstances faced.


- Faith does not hide from the facts, the reality of the situation.

He objectively looked at their physical situation; only conclusion  you could come to was that they were sexually dead.


Are we to live by sight or by faith? 


*** Some things to think about! 

When God first gave the promise in Gen 12; ratified in Gen 15; it was given when it was possible for them to actually have children;


Now when you get to point referenced in our context, Gen 17, they're at a point where it is impossible physically to have children, but God says they will!


God did not fulfill the promise when they were able but when it was humanly impossible!


Do you suppose that maybe God at times takes us to the point in our lives that we run out of human solutions to deal with the situation.

Why is it that so often we have to just push the situation until we run out of human resources  before we finally turn to Him and to His provision?


Is it possible that at times God makes His grace known in human weakness?


It was in weakness that God's grace was perfected, made complete;   2 Cor 12:9-10