Romans Chapter Four                  Lesson 50

                                 Justification Illustrated


4:10-11  Next Paul asks and answers a key question!

- "How then was it reckoned"  when was Abe's faith credited to him resulting in his being acquitted before God?  When was that?


- Note the chronology of Abraham!




* So clearly what's the only conclusion that you must make??

- Abraham believed,  he was justified,  then 24 years later was circumcised.


- It was important to the Jew for it was the sign of the covenant relationship they had with God.


- They could and did have the sign, the designating mark without having the spiritual reality that is its real significance, no faith in the right object.


- Circumcision was established by God to do 2 things;

#1. As a sign of His everlasting covenant with the Jew;  promise related to the land & ruler that have yet to be fulfilled, but will be!

#2. As a seal, the authenticating mark, that Abe had already  believed, and had been justified,  that is,  24 years prior.  Seal says it was genuine.




* Correctly understood the rite of circumcision confirms the truth of justification by faith.

- Then Paul points out again the importance of chronology; He believed long before he was circumcised;  purpose = rest of the verse.

"that he might be the father of all who believe without being circumcised, that righteousness might be reckoned to them."




                                                Seed of Abraham





















* Problem: Jews of Christ's day did not understand this seed with in the seed!

They thought that if they were of the physical line; they had it made; they were heirs of the promise.

Jn 8:31-47 is a good context to see this.



* God made a Covenant with Abe and his seed, the people of Israel, and this covenant is made with whom??  The only ones who will realize the blessings are the saved of Israel, the remnant.  The seed within the seed!



* God's program with Israel is on hold??   Will get the details in ch-9-11!


* How long are they going to have to delay?  Maybe the nation of Israel needs a wake up call! 

* What do you think that encouragement is called??  Tribulation,  the time of Jacob's trouble.


  ** Just before Abe was circumcised the Lord reaffirmed the covenant, the contract He had made with him originally some 24 years before;

This covenant was ratified in ch-15  10 years after initially given.


** So very forcefully and clearly Paul has pulled the rug out from under another crutch, from another explanation that man has for attaining a standing before God!   Justification is not by ritual but by faith.


3.  Justification is by faith not by law  4:13-22


Was the promise given to Abraham thru the law?  NO!  Paul says!  4:13-15 spells it out!


* Expanded outline of this section:  focus of section is faith!

#1 Destruction of faith;  4:13-15

What Paul is saying here is that there is something that we can do to destroy faith.  Read!

#2 Necessity of faith;  4:16

Faith is the only condition that fits grace! Only thing compatible with grace!  Read!

#3 Strength of Abraham's faith  4:17-22.