Romans Chapter Four              Lesson 48

                                 Justification Illustrated


Discovery part #1;  Abe's deficiency  4:2 

Abe has absolutely nothing to impress God with, to impact his standing before God from his own efforts.


But Paul says here there is one problem!  Man may be impressed by who he was; he had many accomplishments that he could boast about before man but not before God! 


- B.L. is that for Abraham it was the same as it is for us; no matter how great the personal honor we might have in life and Abe had much; but he had nothing to boast of before God.


Abe's Discovery part #2;   God's sufficiency  4:3


"What does the Scripture say?"  this phrase speaks volumes!



1. Scripture  grafh  in vs:3 is singular and its use here is like our term Bible; recognizes a unified body of inspired writing not just a collection of books.


2. This says Paul draws no distinction between what the Scripture says and what God is saying through them.


3. In stead of using the present tense of to say here; he could have as he does so often use the perfect of  grafw which emphasizes what is written and its permanence.  Stands written!


4. He wants to remind us here that the written word, the Scripture is source of the living voice of God; where He may be heard.


5. Last I believe that his purpose here to turn to the voice of  Scripture is to remind us that it is here where we find authoritative communication from God.


- There is no idea here that when God sees faith then mumbo jumbo, somehow mystically he now sees righteousness. 


- It should be "Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him leading to righteousness;   or  "it was reckoned to him as resulting in righteousness"


- Back to 4:3; What is it saying? 

Abe discovered that he himself had nothing but that God's provision was complete, totally sufficient for him and when he believed God,  his faith led God to credit to him righteousness.


Faith is the condition of or means of righteousness being credited to you!

Key word for context!

- "reckoned to him"  logizomai  - to credit something to someone; technical book keeping word for  an entry into the books.


4:4-5  Abe's Doctrine; Truth that flows out of his discovery;

* These 2 verses have been called the greatest statement of free  grace in all of the Bible! 


* If one works – due, compensation for that work;  wages are his due!


*** God is never in debt to anyone;  therefore does not work on that principle.  God is never man's debtor!    


So the justification in view is forensic justification [in courtroom] therefore our standing before God is in view;  not referring to making someone ethically righteous;  idea here is to acquit, to grant a status of being right before God!!


* What is this really pointing out??  The extent of God's grace/mercy  extended to us who were all in this category of ungodly when we  came to the cross!


The aspect of truth introduced here by logizomai to credit to ones account or to lay to the charge of another is what is referred to as imputation. 


Through the means of faith God's righteousness is credited to our account, it is imputed to us and He lays His righteousness to our charge and treats us accordingly.

Doctrine:  Imputation of Righteousness to the Believing One!


1. Importance: The imputation of righteousness is the basis for our being declared righteous by God.


2. Definition:  Imputation of righteousness [God's] is the act of God crediting perfect righteousness to the one who believes in Jesus Christ.


3. It is based totally on the work of Christ on the cross.   Specifically:

a.  Redemption: paying the price necessary to buy us from the slave market of sin; freeing us from the bondage of sin.   [speaks to the price required by  God’s  +R/J]


b.  Atonement made is Unlimited:  the payment for all sin  of all mankind; it was for all mankind; for all time that he bore the penalty/guilt for all.

[1 Jn 2:2; Isa. 53:6]

c.  Propitiation:  satisfied all of the requirements of God's Holiness.


4. This divine righteousness is imputed to the believer at the point of faith in Christ. Phil. 3:9


5. This imputation of righteousness is related to our new position in Christ. 2 Cor. 5:21 "...that we might become the righteousness of God in Him."


6. The imputation of righteousness is the basis for God's justice being able to declare the one who believes in Christ to be justified, or declared righteous recognizing our new standing before God.


7. The Imputation of Righteousness is one of 3 great imputations

#1. Adam's original sin is imputed to every member of the human race;  5:12; 18-19  [therefore we all are a part of the fall]


#2. All of man's sin was imputed to Christ while He was on the cross.   2 Cor 5:21; whole world 1 Jn 2:2


#3. God's righteousness is imputed to the ungodly who believes in Christ.   Rom 4:5; 3:22; 2 Cor 5:21