Romans Chapter Three                   Lesson 46


God's Method of Salvation -  Its Results! 3:27-31 


1. It humbles man  3:27-28


Focus here is on a practical application of Justification by faith



3:27  Primary Question and answer; followed by a Reaffirming question and answer;


“where then” is based on the previous conclusions of the context, that salvation is a gift given freely by His grace; and is actualized by faith.



Point of the question:  Where then is the basis for glorying in our own supposed goodness and merit of some form of works??   There is none folks! 


- The answer:  “It is excluded 

Aorist indicative of evkkleiw  declares that the work of Christ on the cross totally excludes or shuts out man's boasting in anything related to salvation!


Reaffirms this with the next question;    “By what kind of law?  Of works?”


Answer:  “NO,   but by a law of faith


- What is the law of works??

"Work and you shall live!"   but you have to work perfectly, keep the law standard perfectly, no exceptions, because God requires nothing less than absolute perfection.


- The law of faith says,  "Believe and you shall live."   Jn 6:47, 29;  5:24




                                         The Contrasts

                Faith                                                             Works


    Justification by faith                                 Justification by works

    - is extrospective (a turning away                  - is introspective  (focused on self)

       from oneself)

    - is self-renouncing                                  - is self-congratulating

    - looks outside oneself                             - looks inside oneself

    - looks at God's works                             - looks at man's work

    - glorifies God                                         - glorifies man

    - results in a God-centered life                 - results in a man-centered life

    - begets true humility                              - begets pride

    - is Theocentric                                       - is anthropocentric


3:28 Paul's explanation for there being no basis for boasting!

For [oun] we maintain  [logizomai]  used to indicate that he has calculated according to the facts and arrived at a solid conclusion, that a man is justified [declared righteous] by faith apart from works of the Law.  


- apart from  = cwrij = absolutely apart from;   idea = exclusion;  law keeping has absolutely no part in salvation


3:29-30  Justification by Faith glorifies God

The question?? This law of faith, this faith principle does not apply to all men does it??   Paul's reply here is an emphatic yes! 



The fact that it applies across the spectrum, it knows no exceptions what so ever, whether Jew or Gentile is not the issue! All have the need! All under sin!



When it says, "since indeed God who will justify"  its in the future tense in order to express God's permanent purpose related to justification.

He is always ready to declare righteous the one who believes in Jesus Christ, always.



3:31  It confirms the Law 

- This anticipated question flows logically, especially for the Jew, out of his consistent stress in the context on fact that law keeping does not justify one before God.  3:21-31 


- "Do we nullify the law through faith?" katarge,w  [pres.act.ind] to render of no account/purposeless; to render inoperative/ineffective 


- Paul counters it quickly with a very strong reply; mh. ge,noito

May it never be!  idea is by no means, perish the thought;  don’t even think such a thing


There is a continuing role for the law, even though it has no part in justification, as Paul has made very clear.


- How is the law established or confirmed? Why is it not purposeless?


The law, brings awareness of our great need, it shows us that we are sinners, and therefore condemned.


- Must be on guard  because there are many that would attempt to have you as a  believer even today under the law as a means of living the Christian life.  This is not valid either!




Romans Chapter Four - Justification Illustrated




1. The Place of Chapter 4 in Romans


- Does God save one way in the time of the New Testament and a different way during the OT period??   Emphatically no!


2. The Method that Paul uses is to present 2 case histories

#1 is Abraham  4:1-5   his text Gen. 15:6.

#2 is David   4:6-8   his text is Psa. 32:1-2