Romans Chapter Three                        Lesson 43


#4. The fourth key word = redemption 

It is what is embodied in redemption that allows God to declare man righteous through a decisive judicial act and allows Him to maintain His holiness untainted.


- Redemption involves 3 concepts:

#1.  a prisoner       #2. a purchaser        #3. a price


- Basically the idea of redemption is to deliver by paying a price.


- The imagery arises out of the OT concept of the redemption of the nation of Israel from slavery in Egypt;  Ex. 6:6;  15:13


- What's the picture with the Passover and the Exodus? 



- The work of Christ in fulfilling the OT types and prophecies of  redemption is portrayed very vividly through the 3 words that are used for redemption in the N.T.

#1. agorazw ,  agora  the market place;  to buy in the market.


Christ bought us in this slave market of sin by His work on the cross.  He is the purchaser! 


#2. exagorazw  to buy out of the slave market; when purchased never to be exposed to being sold again.  Gal 3:13; 4:5



#3. [one here] > apolutrwsisj   basic meaning to loose, to set free by paying a price;  


- This word puts the emphasis on the fact of or the reality of the release, the deliverance from slavery;


- Paul uses it 7 x's each time you should ask; Release from What??

And then Why or what is the basis for the release??

Rom 3:24; 8:23; 1 Cor 1:30; Eph 1:7; 1:14; 4:30; Col 1:14


Observations on the use of  apolutrwsij by Paul and its importance!

1. It speaks of what is grounded solely in Christ, NO ONE else!  Rom 3:24-25


2. Redemption is based so completely in Christ that the NT states it this way; not that He redeems only, but that He is redemption!  1 Cor 1:30


3. It is grounded specifically in His cross work!  Eph 1:7


    4. Redemption and release in Christ also has a future aspect!  Eph 4:30;    Rom 8:23 



    5. What is the impact of redemption in the life of the believer?  Titus 2:14; 


    6. Complete success of this release is certain, it is guaranteed!  And its by grace!  Eph 1:14



Summary Observations on Romans 3:24

1. Rom. 3:24 presents the greatest contrast of all of the Bible.

    a. First of the absolute freeness of salvation to man; to the  one who believes. 

    b. 2ndly of the infinite cost of salvation to God.


2.  It also presents the greatest matches of the Bible.

- Our sinfulness is matched by God's grace.

- God's Justice is matched by redemption.

- So if our problem is sinfulness; it is matched by God's solution, His all sufficient grace.

- God's justice demands the punishment of sin; it is satisfied by  redemption.

- No man or woman's sinfulness, no matter how great, can ever erect a barrier that God's grace cannot take down.

Which says; God's justice does not require a payment that the redemption in Christ cannot pay.

3. If we were justified by works, then the crown would go on our head.

If we're justified by faith then it goes on Christ's head.



4.  God desires to save all!  [2 Pet 3:9; 1 Tim 2:4]


3:25  Propitiation:  The Father Satisfied. 

Paul immediately links the redemption effected by Christ, [the release effected by the payment of a price] which is through faith in His cross work to another aspect of His work on the cross that of propitiation, which also accrues to us through faith!


- What Paul demonstrates here is that in the historical death of Jesus  ("in His blood") this wrath of God found adequate judicial satisfaction.

- What's in view is the turning away of the wrath of God by an offering that provides satisfaction.



Propitiation speaks of the placating or satisfying the wrath of God through the atoning sacrifice of Christ;  not by anything we can do!


  Meaning of Propitiation

In examining the important truth related to our salvation in view with this term propitiation we need to note that there are 3 major elements involved:

#1. Propitiation considers the demands of the Father; by His  character; 

God can condone nothing because of His holiness; +R/J;

Sin deserves punishment and death;

What His +R demands He must have - perfect holiness/righteousness

What His Justice demands it must have - sin must be punished.

There can be no reconciliation between God and man without judicial satisfaction;

This satisfaction is what propitiation deals with.


#2. The Cross must be included in any understanding of propitiation.

With a focus on 2 aspects:

1. The substitution aspect;  He took our place!

2. He satisfied all of God's demands!

#3. The faith of the unbeliever, the sinner,  must be directed toward the only object of faith, that is, in that finished work of Christ that satisfies the holiness of God!


Definition:  Propitiation is the accomplishment of Christ whereby the demands of God's righteousness are satisfied.



But this satisfaction of God is directed only towards those who believe.

It is available to all; but only effective or realized by faith!


Everything that my justice requires in terms of punishment for sin has been dealt with!   I am satisfied with what I see with what Christ did on the Cross!


And all of this becomes real, effective to each one the moment that they believe, just believe!  Nothing else!!


>  Let's look a little closer at the word propitiation and its use in the New Testament. i`lasth,rion

- its only used 2x's here and Heb 9:5

1) Christ is not only the propitiation as we find here in 3:25 where the emphasis is that Christ is the propitiation, the propitiatory  sacrifice for the believing sinner. 


But in Heb 9:5 we get a slightly different shade of meaning of i`lasth,rion;  that of the place of propitiation; the "mercy seat";  where it is linked back to the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of  Holies. 


What Paul is saying here in our context is that Christ is set before all as the one in whom propitiation is realized and therefore the Cross is now our place of meeting a Holy God. 


2) i`lasmo,j   1 Jn 2:2;  4:10  in both the link is with sin; 

He is the propitiation for our sins, His work on the cross judicially satisfies the +R/J of the Father!