Romans Chapter Three                  Lesson   39




* One of the important points this passage is going to make is to answer why He and He alone is the object of Saving faith!!


* The passage will say that the cross qualifies Him in 2 ways!

        #1. It was a redeeming work  3:24

        #2. It was a propitiating work  3:25





So when Christ died on the cross it was a redeeming work, (3:24) a propitiating work (3:25) and a vindicating work.  (3:26)



1. Understanding of God's way of Salvation demands a complete break with our accustomed way of thinking.



2. Notice also that the only condition for justification is faith!


3. It is not the amount of faith that saves it is the object of faith that saves!


4. Every word in this section is literally pregnant with truth therefore we must examine this section very carefully!



Paul addresses several of these issues related to the nature of God's method of salvation in Phil. 3:9 and as he does he makes some important points.


As a Pharisee law performance righteousness was a great goal of Paul's life, but it was a self-righteousness, a works righteousness, a righteousness that would never attain the goal he was seeking.

- Paul is not questioning his position or relationship with Christ.


Rest of the verse gives us the mechanics of how this occurs. With a focus on Salvation.    Actually begins by telling us how it does not occur.

"...not having a righteousness of my own derived from the Law,"



"but that which (righteousness) is through faith in Christ,"




** Faith is never a leap in the dark, it is never blind, Biblical faith  is a settled confidence based on  absolute truth.


The gaining of Christ, being in Him is the ultimate advantage in life and explains why Paul was willing to give up, to throw overboard all the supposed advantages of his very illustrious past.


What should we learn from this verse?  Observations:

1. Righteousness that gives us a standing with God is provided on the basis of two things: 

#1 - it is based on faith in Jesus Christ  [justified, declared righteous by faith] Rom 3:22-28; Gal 2:16

   #2 - based on our position in Him. (imputation)  2 Cor 5:21


2. There are two types of righteousness mentioned here with some interesting contrasts:

- one is man produced;   the other is God provided.

- one is worked for;   the other is a gift freely given.

- one is the fruit of labor;   the other a response to faith.


3. If we are to be qualified to live with God forever we must have God's righteousness.


4. The only way that we as sinful man to acquire this perfect righteousness is by faith in Christ.


5. When a person believes in Christ, God imputes His perfect righteousness to that individual totally apart from works.   2 Cor 5:21; Rom 4:1-5


6. The basis or reason God is able to provide this righteousness is work of Christ. Rom 5:9

- blood of Christ > His sacrifice brings into focus 3 important things:

#1 - redemption  > payment of the price required by God's Holiness

#2 - propitiation  > satisfaction of His Holiness

#3 - reconciliation  > the barrier between God and man is removed


7. Grace is the essence of this righteousness,  all of Him, free gift Rom 3:24; 4:16