Romans Chapter Two                      Lesson   32





What about the uncircumcised pagan?  2:26-27

Paul points out that the Gentiles had substance without the symbol


Prin: the lack of circumcision could not condemn the Gentile anymore than the presence of circumcision saved the Jew.




V.28-29 Points out having substance with symbol!


- What’s real is internal not external!


The real significance or importance of being a Jew, phrase “he is a Jew” lies in his relationship with God not in his nationality or religious heritage.


not by the letter;  not accomplished by the legalistic external observance;  which they counted on;  along with physical lineage; but the work of the Holy Spirit in the life as a result of faith!


Also Col. 2:11


Romans Chapter 3

Intro Observations:


What should we have learned up to this point re: the religious Jew?

1. that the possession of the Law, the revelation of God cannot save,  [2:17-24;]


2. that the rite of circumcision cannot save [2:25-27]


3. that ones position as a descendent of Abraham cannot save.  [2:28-29]


As Paul opens chapter 3 he does so with a series of questions,  actually 3;

I would take this section vs:1-8 as a dialog with some of the religious Jews he has just       indicted in the previous section.



First Question and answer:  3:1-2   Read!



If the Gentile without the law is able to do the works of the law…


If the uncircumcised keeps the requirements of the law and it is regarded as circumcision... 


Then what advantage,  [what's the surplus/excess,]  has the Jew??

Or what is the benefit [usefulness] of circumcision? 


Paul's reply  vs:2

Yes there are advantages; yes there are benefits;   "Great in every respect!"


First and foremost he says; "they were entrusted with the oracles of  God"


What is he referring to with the term "oracles of God?"



Some examples:

- Acts 7:38  "living oracles" 

- Heb. 5:12  "elementary oracles" 

- 1 Pet. 4:11  "utterances of God"



- Heb. OT Canon was divided into 3 major parts / divisions.

Law - Torah  1st 5 books

Prophets - naviim  Former > Josh.  Jud.  Sam.  Kgs

                Latter > Isa.  Jer.  Ezk.  the 12

Writings -  Kethuvim > Psalms begins this roll, the longest;   (3 sections)

Poetical   > Psa. Prov.  Job

Megilloth > S/S, Ruth,  Lam,  Est,  Eccl

Historical books > Dan,  Ezra,  Neh,  Chron


Testimony of Christ related  to Scripture

1. Mt. 5:18  smallest letter, jot; y  yod    

"stroke,"  tittle  = smallest part of a letter;     d g      

His statement here says that the accuracy and inspiration of  Scripture extends to the very letters  of Scripture; therefore He is affirming the inspiration of the OT.


2. Christ declared the inviolability of  Scripture;  Jn 10:35  "the Scripture cannot be broken" 


3. When Christ quoted the OT He did so using it authoritatively to make His point.  Especially pointed in Mt. 4:4,7,10  during the temptation


4. Lk. 11:51;  [Mt 23:35]


So what has Christ done here, authenticated the text of the OT from beginning to end!  The whole thing!


2 Principles:

    1. It is logically impossible to question the inspiration of the OT without questioning the very character and veracity of Jesus Christ.


    2. Therefore the denial of the inspired word of God leads to the denial of the incarnate word, -  Jesus Christ.