Romans Chapter Two                   Lesson    29



** Rem:  Context is not a prescription for salvation; but rather a description of the character of the saved and the unsaved; and his purpose is to remind us that God will judge both on the basis of works.



  In 2:12-16 Paul describes and expands on this impartiality and how it relates to man; 

specifically  to those not under the Law and those who are under the Law.


Question is raised: How can God be impartial in judging the S/R moral types when some have the Law and some do not? 



2 Cases are set before us in vs:12 

- In v.12a the moral Gentile is in view;

- In v.12b the moral Jew is in view;


Paul’s first statement is about the Gentile moral type;  :12a  

- Very strong statement!  You sin without the law you perish;



In 12b he focuses on the moral Jew; read 12b.


- Paul’s point here is 2 fold:

#1  ignorance of the Law will not save the Gentile from judgment.

#2  mere possession of the Law by the Jew will not save the Jew.


- See the impartiality of God; no matter who it is there are consequences for sin.


He amplifies the situation with the moral Jew first in vs:13


In the synagogue every Sabbath the Jew heard the Law read; they possessed the Law, they heard the Law but they failed to obey it!



** Hearing God’s Word is no advantage for anyone if there is no obedience to it!



What about the statement, but the doers of the Law will be justified.”  [to be declared righteous]

What Paul is telling those who seek righteousness, to be justified by the law is that you must keep it all, you must obey it all, if they are to be the successful.


Jas 2:10; Gal 3:10-12;  also 2:16 emphatic denial of this happening.



With vs:14-15 the focus shifts to the Gentile;


Gentiles who do not have the Law do instinctively the things of the Law,;  says that they have a conscious, a moral compass;


That they are a law to themselves.”  simply says that their moral standards are not derived from an externally given code such as the M/L.



vs:15 in that they show the work of the Law written in their hearts


What’s he talking about??  The function of their conscience!


It’s not the law that is written on the hearts;  but the works of the law that are written;  that is the purpose or intent, the result of the standards of the law in some areas was there in the Gentiles.


What Paul is saying is that the Gentile who has not seen Scripture, however areas of their conduct reflect the principles of Scripture; the moral code of the M/L. 



What is the principle that comes out of here that is moving us toward the final conclusion of 3:9??


See God’s impartiality in that man is judged by the standard he has not  one that he does not have!




The conscious is pictured here as a debating forum which alternates between pointing out guilt or exoneration.



God does not judge based on light one does not have.


** Wherever you go, you will find people with an inner sense of right and wrong, an inner judge that the Bible calls a conscience. 



We also can not over stress the importance of the function of the conscience in our lives as believers;

      1. The standards we need for our conscience must come from and be consistent with the Word of God; DVPT;  question is, do they?


2.  The conscience is like an umpire; it does not itself make the rules or standards but utilizes them to draws conclusions. Reason that it is so important to have norms and standards consistent with the Word.

      3.  The fact of the existence of the conscience is unquestioned; believe it is a part of being made in the image of God; one of the things that separates man from animals; proves the great gulf between;


      4.  What is in question is the content of the conscience;  from the time we are in the crib we begin to form the standards that make it up!


- Our context has said that even those not exposed to DVPT will innately learn and establish some std’s in their conscience that are consistent with DVPT.


      5. Point is that the conscience can be educated or changed by the introduction of new norms and standards. Its not static!!


      6. The essence of spiritual growth is the development of new norms and standards, a change from those of those  dominated by the kosmos.

- all the counterfeits of Satan deigned to sidetrack believer from truth


      7. The result of a new conscience is a transformed life reflecting the character of Christ who is our life!  Rom 12:1-2;


 8. Scripture also tells us that we can corrupt/damage our conscience. It speaks of this as a dulled or seared conscience.  1 Tim 4:2



Verses 13-15 are a parenthesis further explaining vs:12; 

vs:16 The main thought is about the character of the judgment of God

on the day when, according to my gospel, God will judge the secrets of men through Christ Jesus


on the day when   What's the day here?  Day of judgment at the GWTJ


God’s judgment is so comprehensive it includes even the hidden, secret things of man!