Romans Chapter One                                 Lesson 23




1:28 3rd God gave them over - to a depraved mind!

"And just as"  kaqw,j  just as, exactly as;  says that in the same way that sexual immorality pervades society as a result of rejection of the light of God in creation, in the same way this 3rd and final indication of the wrath of God is directed toward that same rejection of light and we find here an impact on man's thinking and its consequences in a list of sins in  29-31.


-  what this section does is fill in the blanks for us as to what is the unrighteousness of men, [horizontal]


Several Observations:

1.  Man has not just somehow become sidetracked by other issues and simply lost sight of or interest in God.

2.  They have put God to the test, they have examined Him, rem; they knew God [v.21] and they concluded that God was unnecessary in their life.

3.  In their view, according to their standard, God did not measure up,  didn't meet their specifications;

4.  So they refused to approve Him as God, to honor Him as God, and therefore to worship Him as God.


- What you hear today, the modern disclaimer is that God as creator is an unnecessary hypothesis, its an infantile understanding that is no longer needed by man, we've come of age! Hey it’s the 21st century!


From here and vs:21 we can conclude that man's mind cannot properly function as God has designed it to without the light of God; 


One thing that Paul makes clear over and over, is that;  Crucial to man's conduct is the function of the mind, and the conscience.  12:2


- The word for mind = nouj  is used of the ability to reason and having a conscience;  especially as related to moral issues


> What this disapproved mind does is noted in the last phrase;

"to do those things which are not proper"


  ** The logic here is this; They have examined God and found Him worthless to their knowledge....therefore God gave them over to a  worthless disqualified mind.


    Illustration:  African Ant




So what's Paul saying here?  Therefore they're given over judicially to a disapproved mind to do what??  To live lives, to think thoughts, to be such creatures as not proper/fitting for man created in the image of God.


<1:29-31> The listing of sins; gives indication of direction  

- This whole list shows the chaos of sin in the life of those who reject the light of God and suppress the truth.


- This whole list shows the chaos of sin in the life of those who reject the light of God and suppress the truth.


- Need to recognize that it says these sins reside in all men, present in each, all have a sin nature, but they are not manifested overtly in the same way or to the same extent in each one.


#1 "unrighteousness"  avdiki,a  is the antithesis of righteousness;

This is not the first on the list by accident; this word in a very real sense encompasses the rest of the list; 


The important thing to remember is that the activity described by  avdiki,a is the result of ungodliness, it is rooted in the failure to have a right relationship with God.


#2 "wickedness"  ponhri,a  active evil;  refers to what is sinister, and vile; it describes one who is not satisfied with being evil themselves but desires to make others evil also.


#3 "greed"  pleonexi,a  refers to the itch for more; the insatiable desire to acquire more; 

Its a desire for more that is so intense that it motivates the individual to disregard the rights of others.


#4 "evil"  kaki,a, often txlt malice; speaks of an attitude that motivates one; comes from kakoj > evil; 

Its a more general term that describes any attitude that motivates one to harm, to injure one's neighbor!