Romans Chapter One                                 Lesson 21



1:25 The great exchange: 

- In vs.23 it is the glory of the incorruptible God that was exchanged. 

- here its the truth of God, the reality of God in His self-revelation through creation for not "a lie" but "the lie" 



Having rejected the truth of God, they have concluded that there is someone, or something other than God who is worthy of worship!


There will be a time in the future where man is going to demonstrate that man has still not progressed beyond falling for the big lie!



- The result of the exchange:  idolatry!

and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator,


- After contemplating the abysmal failure and betrayal of man, and contrasting that with the faithfulness of God.   Paul bursts forth with praise for the Creator! 


who is blessed forever. Amen.


- In saying that the Creator, "is blessed forever" Paul is making it clear that even though God may be unacknowledged by the many, the majority of His creation; His glory still remains and will always!!




Question; what do people get the most uptight over; what they have done or what they have not done??  Usually it is over what is done!

Look back at vs:21  What is the sin here?  One of commission or omission?? 



The belief in evolution is a reenactment of the first sin of all mankind, the rejection of the God of creation!


1:26-27  The Consequence of rejection of truth

For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions;


- Here we have specifics as to the form of dishonoring their bodies!


- It is with this phrase that we observe a deepening of the divine abandonment; that is greater consequences for their rejection of God.


      In v.24 the equivalent phrase is "in the lusts of their hearts"

      - evpiqumi,a  = lusts; it is always something that can be curbed

      - pa,qoj = speaks of that which overcomes all restraints;


- the force of this phrase carries through for both women and men; through v.27


- What is in view here is that the pa,qoj, the passions controlling those whom Paul is speaking about caused them to put an incorrect estimate upon the sacredness, dignity and purity of the physical body and thus to use it in a way which dishonors it.


   *** Notice that it is not just the acts involved that are sin but also the passions which lead to them are dishonoring.


"for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural," 


- Have clearly contrasted what is the normal/natural vs. what is unnatural/abnormal;

- Sexual desire and passion is normal and is to find their expression legitimately within marriage;


- What is in view of course is homosexuality and its clearly designated as unnatural;  outside of God's created order!



- Its almost as if Paul is saying that the conditions are so depraved, so degenerated that even the women who are usually the last to be affected by the decay of morals are involved in sexual inversion, what is unnatural, what is outside the created order.


Paul continues the thought in vs:27

and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts





Then Paul summarizes in the last phrase:  and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.


lit: to receive one's due in themselves the due penalty of their error 



Due penalty of their error;  avntimisqi,a  requital; retribution; to receive what is one's due;  it involves justice, getting exactly what one deserves



Does this due penalty, the consequences  refer to the shameful indecent sexual activity?? 

Or does it reach back to the error of what they did with the knowledge of God?


But I think that the main emphasis here as to the due penalty for their error is buying into the "the lie" the consequence itself of suppressing the truth;  the link is with idolatry, a substitute for God's design.