Romans Chapter One                                 Lesson 20





The Evidence of God's Wrath  1:24-32

How do we know that man has turned his back on God; these verses tell us!



*** But know that man cannot reject God and go on without consequences!


1:24  "Therefore" dio, inferential conj. that shows that God's action described in this verse is His response to the willful rejection of the knowledge of Himself made available through creation.


- Rem: the category of people in view:  the heathen; the pagan;

- they are heathen not because they have never had light!  But because they have had light and rejected it;




** No person or society can ever reject truth without returning to paganism;


- God's response is seen in triplicate in the context; v.24, 26, 28; 

"God gave them over"  paradi,dwmi  to hand over; to deliver over; to abandon;


- So when men reject the light given, God allows them to pursue their desires to their logical conclusion, more sin; eventually becoming enslaved to sin;


- The active voice, links the wrath of God to the choices man makes;  man is making choices outside the parameters that God established as what is in man's best interests;  and when man does this, God has established consequences, i.e. wrath.



- This "giving of them over" is not something new, Ps. 81:12



- What Paul is relating here in the giving over is from the Divine perspective


- In Eph 4:19 we saw the giving over from the standpoint of man's perspective.  .  [this shows man is responsible for his actions, the choices made]


1:24-25  Therefore God gave them over, "in the lusts of their hearts"


Instead of seeing the glory of the one who created us in His image being reflected in their lives,  what Paul says here is that what we see is the result of the sin nature ruling!

- "the lusts"  evpiqumi,a  is a very strong word; often translated sinful lusts; it speaks of the lusts/desires of the sin nature; but not just abstractly;


Note:  evpiqumi,a  is something that can be controlled;  later in 1:26 Paul shifts to   pa,qoj passions,  which describe that desire or passion which overcomes all restraints


and these sinful desires from the sin nature lead to;

- "to impurity that their bodies might be dishonored among them." 


Note:  Gal 5:19-20 sequence; sexual to idolatry to occult; 


* The result of self-deification is self-indulgence; and often in Paul's day even as now,  the self-indulgence took a sexual direction.


"dishonors the body"  

- In vs.24-25 the dishonoring of the body is not homosexuality;  that comes in the next verses that is v.26-27;  not just sexual perversion but sexual inversion.


- idea is that sexual immorality has a direct impact on the body;  and it is clearly outside God's purpose and intent.


- The context, the thought flow of v.23-25 is that of idolatry;

   Man's suppression of the truth, led to his futile empty thinking;  his mind being darkened, which led to the ultimate suppression of truth in idolatry;



- In this first section, the sexual immorality, the sexual perversion in view is the practice, so common in that day, of the practice of ritual prostitution.


- See the result of the darkening of the mind, the empty futile speculations;

- that somehow participation with the temple prostitutes would encourage and promote the gods and goddesses that they were worshiping to provide or to bless them with increased fertility of their crops or their herds or  whatever, they were seeking.



   *** What they really were doing was attempting to control their destiny independently of God.    


What was really happening was that they were plunging themselves deeper into the consequences of their sin.  Being enveloped by their sin nature and its domination of them.



Paul makes the connection between sexual immorality and the body in 1 Cor 6:13-18

Verse 18 especially deals with the impact on the Body of sexual immorality!



-  For the believer Paul says here,  since your body is a member of Christ, when you engage in sex outside of your marriage relationship, outside of the divine design, you are creating a monstrosity, you are joining Christ to that sexually immoral relationship.  v.15


- He follows this teaching of vs:15-17 with an emphatic imperative,  a cmd in the present tense; then follows it with an explanation of the uniqueness of the sin of immorality.


This cmd says that sexual immorality is clearly not one of those you would find in the area of freedom; open to personal liberty; 


- Point is that there never will be a time or place or the circumstances when immorality is the right thing to do! EVER!


- 1st should note that he is not saying that sexual immorality is the worst sin!


What Paul is saying here in the context is that sexual immorality has a unique relationship to the body.



Why it is unlike any other sin?