Romans Chapter One                                 Lesson 19





#5. 1:21c  From that rejection man sinks into human speculations;

1st consequence:  "they became futile" 



 "in their speculations" 

- to deliberate, used for inward reasoning, not an imagination word but a think word; speaks of inner deliberations or reasoning


What should you as a Christian think when you see on the news or in the newspaper reports about debates in the political arena, either party; what about on the world scene, in the UN??  Or as this week with the hearings for the Supreme Court.


and their foolish heart was darkened.


foolish heart = indicates the result of the continual influence of the sin nature on one's thinking;

- "heart"  kardi,a  is used of the totality of the inner life; mental or intellectual aspect, emotional aspect, or the volition;


The focus of the context here is primarily on thinking, one's mentality;


"foolish"  avsu,netoj   = unintelligible, without insight   


 *** Need to note a Principle that God has established, that if one is negative to God and His truth it will lead to the darkening of the mind, blotting out their ability to perceive the light of truth, when perpetuated over a period of time it leads to scar tissue, a hardening of one's attitude and thinking about God and DVPT in general.



- Without a source of light, that is, God and His word, DVPT, we have no ability to perceive and understand reality.


What is their profession?  That they are wise when in reality they can't get it together!

Step #6. 1:22  Human speculations lead directly to Delusion;   [arrogance of human reason]


professing = fa,skw -> affirm, assert, allege

- they are asserting or alleging that they are wise, (sofo,j - wisdom)


What the reality is, having rejected the light of creation re: God and suppressed the truth.

"they became fools"  mwrai,nw (aor pass ind) - to make foolish;  indicates totally inappropriate behavior.


What the reality is for those having rejected the light of creation re: God,  and suppressed the truth is that

"they became fools"  mwrai,nw (aor pass ind) - to make foolish;  indicates totally inappropriate behavior.


- the word group that this word is a part mwroj, [13]; mwria [5] calls our attention to those whose perspective is distorted because they fail to take God into account in their thinking, to take Him seriously.


- Jesus called the Pharisees blind fools for their complete insensitivity to God's values;      Mt 23:17,19


- Professing to be wise becomes the claim of deceived people, 1 Cor 3:18


- This deception leads to moral bankruptcy Psa 36:3 as they become fools.


To human vpt wisdom, even the cross is foolishness!  1 Cor 1:20-23



In what sense can one who affirms wisdom really be a fool?

- Man becomes a fool precisely because he has made his ideas, his opinions, his speculations the standard/rule of his life, instead of the will of God.




We are making conscious decisions as a society, as a nation to leave God totally out of the picture, and we wonder why we're heading down the slippery slope into a sea of degeneracy!


Can we say that a man is really intelligent when he rejects and ridicules the Bible? 




#7. 1:23  Bottom of the pit man has dug for himself; Idolatry!

"and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four footed animals and crawling creatures."


- Exchanged, swapped what should be the object of their worship, the glory of the incorruptible God; who is not liable to decay or corruption, is imperishable;

-  God, is totally unlike what mankind has turned to for worship, an image in the form of corruptible man; that is subject to decay, corruption and is perishable.




Another way of looking at this section Rom 1:18-25

Distinctives of Unbelief

1.  Suppression of Truth   1:18-20

2.  Perversion of Truth     1:21-23

3.  Perversion of one's life  1:24-25