Lesson 153

Romans Chapter Twelve

Responsibilities in the Christian Life


> Church age must be evaluated and looked at as being in two parts.

Pre-canon period and the post canon period.



Pentecost to 95 AD.; 95 AD. to End of the Church Age.  [Rapture]   33 AD.


  Pentecost                95 AD.                                  Church age                                                      1 Ths. 4


                           Pre-canon                                         Post-canon       




The temporary gifts were all designed to provide through their function a clear presentation of the authoritative message of God to the church.








How do we today discern the true from the false, or test the spirits, the r/o we're getting?? Go to Scripture, the std, the criteria.  We have the completed text of Scripture!



if prophecy, according to the proportion of his faith;”  profhtei,a


- Its also inspired communication;  2 Pet. 1:20-21 (source) 


- The purpose of the gift of prophecy is given in 1 Cor 14:3.


- What Paul is doing here is exhorting them to a proper function of  the gift of prophecy.


Paul says the message of the prophet is to be according to the proportion of his faith; analogia   Eng. analogous; means in agreement with, in proportion to; in right ratio with faith; lit. the faith

- the prophet was to speak only what God says, it was to be God’s msg.


- Also need to remember that a prophet could not be wrong not even  once! Dt. 13:1-5; 18:20


12:7a  if service, in his serving;”  This is a very broad, generalized gift; speaks of helping to meet the needs of others in the congregation.


- diakonia  speaks of giving aid, comfort and support; deacon comes from this word


- This is an age long gift, it also is one of the gifts that is an extension of what is expected of all believers.


12:7b  or he who teaches, in his teaching;”  dida,skw [p.a.ptc.]  didaskali,a


- This is an extension gift, in that all believers are to have some teaching ability.


- There is a difference between a prophet and a teacher although both are responsible to get accurate truth to the people.


- The pastor is commanded to teach the Word.  Titus 2:1;  1 Tim 6:2;  4:11;



12:8a or he who exhorts, in his exhortation;”

parakale,w   same as we saw in vs:1 to urge, to exhort, encourage, to comfort; en para,klhsij (n.) emphasizes the impact of the comfort or encouragement, or exhortation;



- This is an extension gift; all believers should be encouragers, comforters as the opportunity arises.  1 Ths. 5:11;  Heb. 3:13


Rem: ultimately the source of all comfort is God.  2 Cor. 1:3-4;   sufficient to meet the need                     2 Cor. 1:5 


Knowing the Word!  having a renewed mind -> knowing the will of God! 

Using the resources provided.  Relax and rest in Him!


12:8b  he who gives, with liberality;” metadi,dwmi to impart to, to share with, to give; idea is to share what we have with someone who has a need. 


  - with liberality  a`plo,thj  speaks to attitude that motivates giving;



- This is an extension gift, for we are all to give 1 Cor 16:1-2


Prin. of giving seen in 1 Cor 9:6-8.


All giving glorifies God 1 Cor. 9:13



12:8c   he who leads, with diligence;  proi<sthmi  [to stand before]


- to lead, direct, rule, to be head;  1 Tim 5:17


- protective responsible leadership   1 Ths 5:12



12:8d  he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness.”  evlee,w


- We all should show mercy in our dealings with others


As you have opportunity within the church to fulfill some function do so. Begin, maybe, with the more general service areas, you’ll find your niche of service.



12:9 - 21 Our relationship with others;  


It is interesting that Paul follows his section here on spiritual gifts with an emphasis on love.



Paul says here that Love is to guide us, love reflects the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the life, and the character of Christ being produced and lived out.


The word translated without hypocrisy =  avnupo,kritoj is a transliteration, not a translation; the idea is that we are to be guided by genuine love.




What Paul is stressing here is that it is a short step from stage to life; from speaking from behind a mask, putting on a false front, and being open and genuine in our relationships.



As the life of Christ flows out of us it is to be genuine, w/o mask.


There are 3 areas in which Paul warns believers about exercising a Christian virtue hypocritically, about operating from behind a mask.


#1  performance love;  so much pressure to be hypocritical, the tendency is to conform to what is expected, to fit in; to be one of the crowd;  Rom 12:9;  2 Cor 6:6;  1 Pet. 1:22


#2  performance faith;  1 Tim. 1:5;  2 Tim. 1:5


#3  performance wisdom  Jas. 3:17