Romans Chapter One                                 Lesson 15


**  Point is your righteousness, your works your human good can never become enough  capital to purchase your salvation;  you must have Christ's righteousness that comes by way of the gospel, and that by faith.


Isa 46:12-13; 61:10;


> Note: Same word group gives us the terms righteous and just/justice;

- di,kaioj;   dikaio,w  -  here we have  dikaiosu,nh  character or quality of being right and just; the standard of course is God.

-  righteousness / justice speaks of God's holiness; His integrity and is the basic and foundational attribute of God.  

- It describes that quality of God's character that does 2 things;

#1 - loves what is right and good;  righteousness.

#2 - a hatred for what is evil, sin;  justice

See this in Ps 45:7 

Ps 89:14; 97:2  



**  Holiness then is the attribute that says there is only one thing that I can love. -- I love perfect righteousness, and nothing but righteousness and since I have this quality of Holiness then I can not fellowship in any way with sin/evil.


> What is the righteousness here in vs:17; 


- since it is associated with faith here; I would take it as Imputed righteousness



It is this righteousness in which you will stand in right relation to Him forever;   the +R is Christ's      2 Cor 5:21



                      God Is                               God Demands




                                   God Provides


> What about the phrase "from faith to faith?" What does it mean?


- 1st prep. = evk  means out of as to source;  

- It points to the faith that appropriates salvation;


- The 2nd prep.  eivj directional prep. leading to/resulting in faith;  

This one, this faith I take as the growth in grace that takes place after salvation.


> "as it stands written, "But the righteous man shall live by faith."



Paul's point here is that one who has the imputed righteousness of God is to live by faith.



In Gal 3:11 Paul quotes it again, this time in a context, v.10-12,  that focuses on the life, how one lives; the one who is justified, the righteous one shall live by faith.



In Heb. 10:38  it is the faith that is the focal point.


And so we have the great theme of Romans!

*** Salvation depends upon a righteousness procured by faith!



"There is no other way of righteousness, no other way of living but by faith. It is by faith we are justified, and by faith we live.  By faith we stand and by faith we walk."

      C.H. Mackintosh


Next Section

Rom 1:18-3:20   Paul presents God's case against mankind!  Why we need Salvation!


In 1:18-3:20 there is no good news at all! 

What we do have here is the news that God is offended with all of us!



1. Everything in 1:18-3:20 leads to a 3 word conclusion in 3:9.   All under sin!




2.  If we're all under sin, then by what standard are we going to measure men?  By what standard is sin to be measured.


- Paul in this section is not going to prove that all are under sin, that all are sinners because all men violate the principles of the Word of God;


- All men do not have Bibles, however all men have light!

- this light is seen in 3 areas;

#1 The light of nature;

#2 The light of conscience;

#3 The light of scripture;


3. The Types of sinners will be dealt with here


- But everyone is under the same sentence, the same guilt the same condemnation, all men are under guilt  and penalty of sin.


There are no exceptions, no mitigating circumstances to exempt anyone!


4. The purpose of this section 1:18 - 3:20 is threefold:

#1. All mankind are JUSTLY condemned.

#2. Because of that he will prove, that there is no salvation apart from grace; and the grace that saves men is proclaimed in the gospel.

#3. The purpose of his argument is to shut every mouth!  [3:19]


5.  The gospel is the power of God, but there is one thing it cannot do; and that is save any one who does not see themselves as hopelessly condemned and helpless to solve the situation on their own.

- Is this what is reflected in most Evangelical churches in their evangelism?


Most are responding to a message that asks them to invite Christ into their life so that all their problems will be solved;


6. There are 4 distinct parts to Paul's arguments:  condemnation -  covers all 4 of them!

#1.  Condemnation of the pagan/heathen world   1:1:18-32