Lesson 149

Romans Chapter Eleven

The Faithfulness of God

 Israel’s Future  


12:1-2  Intro and transition to the horizontal focus;

By transition, what I mean is that here Paul’s exhortation is first to maintain our vertical focus;


The focus of vs:1 is one major point.

The presentation of one’s body!  Idea is that of complete dedication to God.


There are 4 things that Paul says by way of explanation of the presentation of one’s body.


#1  What is the motive?  Or Why are we to present our bodies?

#2  What is the act?  presenting?

#3  What is the object? Body

#4  What is the nature?  Spiritual sacrifice!



#1. What is the motive?

I urge you therefore brethren   parakalew  has a range of meaning comfort/encourage/exhort




When we understand grace, truly come to grips with what His mercy towards us is it is more powerful a motivator than commands.


What is Paul referring to with the mercies of God?  Examples

- Being justified by faith.

- Being identified with Christ.

- Being under Grace not under Law.

- That the Holy Spirit indwells us.

- Have a destiny in Christ to be conformed to His image. [Goal]

- Have total security, nothing can separate us from our new position in Christ our standing before Him.

- Confidence in God’s faithfulness.



It is by the mercies of God    dia =  by, through;  means of accomplishment; how do we get this done?  By the mercies of God.




#2 What is the act in view?  presentation

to present our bodies;  

pari,sthmi to offer, to bring, to present for sacrifice/service



The Main Sacrifices in the OT.

1. burnt offering Lev. 1:3 propitiation emphasis on works of Messiah

2. grain offering Lev. 2:1 bloodless – food or gift offering – emphasis on the person of Christ

3. peace offering Lev. 3:1  unleavened cakes reconciliation

4. sin offering   Lev. 4:3  

5. guilt offering Lev. 5:6



Peace offering; defined and broken down in 7:11-18.

To express gratitude and fellowship with God.



- Examples:

  Ex 36:1-7;   Psalm 119:107,108


The “presenting” is our response to the mercies of God in our life.  Aor. = . . . . . . . many points of time when we are to be motivated by grace to present our bodies for service, willingly, not coerced, a willing response to truth and our relationship with Christ.


#3. What is the object?  Our body


Why is the presentation of the body so important?


1. The body is the means [the vehicle] of expression by our sin nature.



2. 1 Cor 6:20 we find that it is the place where we glorify God.



3. Because the body incorporates the world of feeling, the senses. 


 The readout that the senses alone gives is never a reliable readout on reality but the evaluation of faith gives us a reliable readout of reality.




#4 What is the nature? Spiritual sacrifice

a living and holy sacrifice acceptable to God”

lit. order; a sacrifice, living, holy, well pleasing to God.



When you think of sacrifice, what do you think of?




As believers in the church age we have sacrifices.

Each of us are priests and to offer sacrifices.


As believers in the church age we have sacrifices.

Each of us are priests and to offer sacrifices.


1. Heb 13:15 of praise and thanksgiving.

    In vs:16 overflows in fellowship/giving as DGP, God is  pleased.


2. Phil. 4:18  What is given in response to grace


3. Rom. 12:1  our body”


In the context the sacrifice of the body is described 4 ways.

#1 “its living” za,w  



#2 “holy” a[gioj  to be set apart



#3 “acceptableeuva,restoj  best meaning is “well pleasing”


?? Can we please God? You bet we can!


Premise is logical, Christ was God’s gift and gave everything for us, logically what should our response be?  Tremendous gratefulness from each of us!


Point is that under grace we do because of what we now are in Him!

Under Law you do in order to be! 



4th description is found in the last phrase: which is your spiritual service of worship

Lit. your reasonable/logical service of worship