Lesson 134

Romans Chapter Ten

The Faithfulness of God

 Israel in the Present






3. 10:16-21  Response to the message of justification.


The thought flow from vs:15 into 16 is the expectation in v.15 of the message of good news being believed, accepted by everyone!



Vs:16 says wake up, come into reality, the religious type is content to live in their "works" system, they're the hardest to reach with grace.




Where do you get the clearest, the crispest account of what the God's good news to man is??  Obviously from Paul!  1 Cor 15:3-4



In fact Paul is real dogmatic, if you don't preach the same gospel that I preach, if you don't believe with me what the gospel is then you are accursed! 

Gal. 1:6-9, how can he say this so strongly?  11-12;



10:17 The Necessary Response = Faith!


- We had established that "report" refers to the message of the Gospel.


  Does hearing as we use it refer to a message or an act? 


- ek akoh translated from hearing” rightly understood means a message or a report;  the emphasis is on what is heard, the thing said not on the act of hearing itself.



- So "the faith" [with definite article] therefore refers to a specific faith; the faith that believes the message, the word about Christ! 


- There is a sequence I believe that we should note:

Perceive, the gospel is heard; or for the Believer a point of truth

Process,  think through the implications; brings into view the conviction by H/S.

Response,  either believe the message or reject it


- See an example of the breakdown of the sequence/process; Heb 4:2


- "the faith"  h` pistij  here is not the faith that causes Christian growth; but its the faith that justifies! [different object]



1. Evangelism is a responsibility of every believer!

- It is legit to ask if we do not tell - how will they hear the msg.?

- Should I feel comfortable knowing that I have friends with whom I've discussed all kinds of issues but never the gospel?  Convicting!


2. The main issue in evangelism is content not method!

- its the what not the how!


3. Evangelism is not an offer of an experience, but is delivering an objective message.


4. The Gospel itself is powerful, coupled with the convicting ministry of the H/S it will create a response!

- emphasis today is on how to evangelize; instead of on what is the message.


5. When we are "witnessing" communicating the gospel we need to remember we are standing in the place of Christ, communicating a word or message about Christ!


10:18-21 Introduction - Overview

1. In these verses, v.18-21, we have a single theme/focus, the response of Paul's countrymen!

- He says to Israel, ["they" used again as in vs:2;] you have no excuse for missing God's righteousness.

  [they in vs:14 is any unbeliever, Jew or Gentile.]


2. It's as if Paul is looking for any excuse to explain the failure of the nation Israel in terms of missing God's righteousness.

- The B.L. we'll find is that they have no excuse but their own negative volition, their own failure to believe the word of Christ.


3.  The specific application of the context is to Israel, while it does contain truth for all of us, the primary and specific application is to Israel; the general is to all!

- we can conclude this from the witnesses that Paul introduces to make his case; v.18  Psa. 19:4  is David;

- v.19 quotes Dt 32:2 thus Moses;

- v.20-21 quotes Isa. 65:1-2 so witness is Isaiah


4. What Paul is doing is to bring evidence against Israel from their own prophets!

- from the one God used to communicate the Law, Moses.

- from the great King of Israel,  David.  

- from one of their greatest prophets, Isaiah.


5.  Paul leaps all the way back to the OT for his evidence to convict Israel of their rejection of truth, to make his point clearly on the basis of the word of God, wants to keep his arguments as objective as he can.

- Here's what God said to you, Israel, through Moses, David, Isaiah, all who were highly respected by the Jew.

- If you recall Paul did the same thing in Rom 3:9 and following;  Makes a major statement, indictment of all! Especially pointed to the Jew, to Israel in the flow of the context.

- what follows is a series of quotes, primarily from Psa.;  here is the basis of judgment, our condemnation before God;  I didn't write it; look this is what God said!


6. The wording also in v.21 makes it clear  [look at v.21]


7. The section's specific application is to Israel. while the general application is to all who have heard the gospel and did not heed it.


8. Israel cannot claim that no opportunity was given to them.

She cannot say she has not heard!  vs:18

She cannot say that she did not understand  v.19-20