Romans Chapter One                                 Lesson 13


<1:16-17> The Theme of the Epistle;

With these 2 verses, Paul presents us with some very powerful logic,


In vs:16-17 he gives us the reasons, the logical support for what he has just said!  The Greek language uses connectives extensively to express the logical relationship between ideas.


Notice the "For"  3x's in these 2 verses and also at the beginning of vs:18;


Maybe we can see the logical flow if I use a question-answer format.

Paul:  I am eager to preach the gospel in Rome!

Question:  Paul,  why are you eager?

Paul:  "Because I am not ashamed of the gospel."

Question: Why are you not ashamed of the gospel Paul?

Paul: "Because it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek;

Question: "And why is it the power of God for salvation to all who believe?

Paul: "Because it reveals the righteousness of God."



You cannot overlook the connectives, to do so is to miss the flow of Paul's thought and therefore the message.

We must read and study the Word of God very carefully, we need to concentrate on every word and every phrase.


We need therefore, to be committed to careful exposition of the ONLY source, the ONLY repository of absolute truth there is, the Holy Scriptures.


In these 2 verses we see:

1. Paul's attitude toward the gospel 1:16a

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel,"

Why would Paul be ashamed of the gospel, and therefore of Jesus Christ?



This is the center of the world, the seat of culture, it was also center of idolatry, it is the center of military power of the empire.



> This brings us to another reason that Paul might be tempted to be shamed, that is the dominant opinion of the "wise ones" of the day, the wisdom of the day.

As directed toward the gospel.  1 Cor 1:18;   (rabbit trail)



    Elements of this message: 

    à Who died??  Why did He die??  What is the Result of that death??


1. First the evaluation of the unsaved, the perishing 1:18a

"For the word of the cross is those who are perishing foolishness.."


- Those who do not properly evaluate the cross not only will perish but are in the process of perishing right now!!


"foolishness"  - mwri,a = 2 main ideas:

#1 - anything that does not fit into man's system of logic, rational thinking, to them that was foolishness.

#2 - Anything that was the product of a feeble mind was considered foolishness.




2. Notice the evaluation of the Saved to the same msg.  1:18b

but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.


- The first thing we should notice is that it is more than just a series of words, albeit powerful words;   It is literally God's  power, du,namij. [same word as in Rom 1:16]



Why should Paul be ashamed of the gospel?  He had seen what that message did when proclaimed in the wicked cities of Corinth and Ephesus and he was confident that this message would also work in Rome.

Back to Rom 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel,

Note:  I would add  of Christ   tou/ Cristou/  to the first line of v.16;

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ"   expresses Paul's attitude toward the gospel; no matter what man may say about it; 

He knew it to be God's life giving message to a lost and dying world!

- note 2 Tim 1:12 end of ministry; last epistle; same attitude!




Every time the gospel is believed, by anyone, it always results in that person's salvation; Always!  No exceptions;


for it is God's power for salvation

power = du,namij [6 words for power in Grk;]  this one is selected by the H/S;  looks at power, as natural ability, inherent power residing in a thing by virtue of its very nature;


He's not saying the gospel is powerful; nor that the gospel has power,  what he is saying is that the gospel IS, keeps on being the power of God by its very nature that results in, or leads to salvation for every one believing it.



- implicit here is that there is nothing else that will result in salvation;

- Since it takes God's power to effect salvation; what does that do to man and all of his various attempts to earn salvation?



Salvation:  swthri,a; basic idea is of deliverance; safety; preservation; healing; soundness;