Romans Chapter One                                 Lesson 12


Should have been on the notes last week, covered at the end of the study.

i. The perspective of faith is very important as one faces these tough situations in life.

(1) Faith recognizes that God has neither abandoned him nor turned against him even though he is experiencing some tough tests.

(2) Faith recognizes that the crucibles of life are a part of the refining process; the removal of the dross of human vpt  1 Pet 1:6-7

(3) Faith realizes that wisdom, like all other benefits of temporal experience is given progressively; its a part of our spiritual growth.

- should learn from each test faced to aid in the next.

(4) One with faith is committed to gaining wisdom, not just for the immediate trial but through the present trial for future application.


Final Observations:

1. Because the Word of God contains His complete revelation for faith and life, His complete will,  it touches every aspect and moment of our life, for that reason "it is fully able to equip believers for every good work." (2 Tim 3:16-17)

- Hence, our response should be obvious:

a. We need to learn what God has said. Josh 1:8 (principle)

b. We need to do what God has said. Dt 10:12-13; John 13:17

2. If we're to know the will of God, so that we can be blessed by living in the sphere of His will, we must know the Word of God and live it by faith!

3. As one observes the decision making practices of people, one is forced to the sobering conclusion that the greatest impediments to making good decisions are ignorance of God's Word and stubborn resistance to God's known will.          Prov 16:25;   Acts 7:51


Begin this week:

<1:11-12>  Paul's personal desire expressed re: the Romans;

Clearly we can conclude that the motivation behind his desire is a sound one biblically;


His purpose, he says is to give them something with the result that they might be more fully established in the faith.



> What does it mean when it says that he may impart to them some spiritual gift?"



- word is ca,risma; its basic meaning; used in a general sense is to refer to some favor bestowed; something freely, graciously given;

Paul uses it this way of something freely and graciously given;

- 5:15-16; gift freely and graciously given by faith = salvation, imputed +R

- Also 6:23  = eternal life


- Paul doesn't specify what the gift is but he does say what it will do! and that is to establish them!


- What Paul is looking for in these believers is stability;  same thing we all need!


> In vs:12 he amplifies what he has just said; and does so very diplomatically.

What he adds is that there is a mutual benefit for them getting together; both will be impacted positively.


Prin: Giving does not impoverish; giving enriches.  [when done from the right motivation]


> 1:13  "I have planned" 

- Clearly going to Rome was a strong desire of Paul's; and from 15:22f we get a taste of just how long this was his desire.


- What about the "fruit"?  


- there are many in their periphery, friends, relatives, business associates who are not believers to whom Paul is looking to also impact with the gospel, as he has among Gentiles where he has gone;


> 1:14  "I am under obligation"

- Basically in the Roman World of the day; 2 things were used to distinguish peoples; language and culture;


- Those who spoke Grk, were considered wise/cultured and those who did not speak Grk, the barbarians, the unwise, those with no culture.


- To those who spoke Grk, other languages sounded like stuttering, repeating of syllables. therefore bar-bar > barbarians.


- The 2nd pairing indicates the cultural distinctions between those within the Empire and those without;  they were steeped in centuries of philosophy and considered themselves wise and everyone else fools.


- "I am under obligation" ovfeile,thj; a person who has an obligation, a debt; sense is that one is bound by some duty.


This obligation was because of the grace that was given Paul, [Eph 3], not only what accrued to him as a result of salvation but all that is wrapped up in his responsibility as an apostle, as a minister of the mystery truth; all this combined to form this obligation, this debt, this duty that Paul felt and speaks of here.


** Question:  Do we have or should we have any obligations as Believers? 

1. "debt of love" 1 Jn 4:11; [Rom 13:8]


2. Obligation to assist the weaker / immature believer Rom 15:1


3. Obligation to reflect the character of Christ  1 Jn 2:6


These obligations flow out of the fact that we are Ambassadors who represent Christ to our generation.  2 Cor 5:20


> 1:15  "I am eager"   see Paul's personal zeal expressed.

"Thus"  as a result of Paul's sense of obligation to fulfill his responsibility as an apostle and to communicate the gospel of God ato them also.


He's saying that as far as it is up to him,  he is ready and willing to go to Rome;  

Now its up to God to put things together, to bring the circumstances together to get him there.



Rem: Romans is not just the gospel directed toward the unbeliever; the basics that must be believed for salvation;


Justification:  entrance into the family  (by faith)


Sanctification:  how we are to live and grow in this family.


Glorification: our destiny with Him in a resurrection body.