Lesson 113

Romans Chapter Eight         

Freedom in Christ through the Holy Spirit

The Dynamic for living the Christian Life


8:31  What then shall we say to these things?  



-  When you consider all that He has done for you in Salvation based on the cross; what's your response to that?


- God is looking for a response from you! Now that you know what your destiny in Christ is; what's your response?


*  Since God is for us it does not make one particle of difference who is against us!  No one is able to stop God's purpose for you!



Lit. Since the God (is) on behalf of you; who is against us?


*  Since God is for us it does not make one particle of difference who is against us!  No one is able to stop God's purpose for you!



The rest of chapter 8 is really the implications that flow out of this statement.



*  How can Paul say this?  Why can't we have an effective enemy?




-  B.L. = There is no one or no system of thought that can stand against God's purpose for you!      God is greater than any opposition you will ever face! 




Probably one of the best illustrations of a Rom 8:28 mental attitude is that of Joseph [9 chapters of Gen to cover the account].

-  clearly a series of what only can be classified as bad incidents that he faced;






Ų      8:32  Here's Why!   The Provision that makes the statement of 31b a  reality

The logic here is that the greater gift includes the lesser! 

The greater gift = the provision of the cross

The lesser gift = the daily provision to get us to His goal for us!



The same God who is for us is the one who did not spare His own Son;


- Think about it;  Here you have the great creator, the God of the universe who demonstrated His love to the extent that He sent His  monogenhj, His uniquely born Son, to suffer and die for us,




Everything that you need to fulfill His plan for you, leading to being conformed to the image of His Son, that's the all things here,  and they are given freely, graciously.   2 Pet 1:3




Ų      8:33   Paul answers the question raised in the last phrase of vs:31.


Who will bring a charge against God's elect? 


The point here is that it is not that a charge could not be brought; but that no one can bring  a valid charge!


It was God who justified you when you believed in Christ. 

Therefore any accusation will be thrown out of court.



Ų      8:34  Who is the one who condemns?



Think about it! How can anything or anyone keep us from fulfilling the plan of God?  His purpose for us?

- In 8:26-27 we have the Holy Spirit working on our behalf!

Here with us, interceding for us in making our prayers effective!

    - In 8:31 Since God/F is for us who is against us!  No one!

    - In 8:34  Jesus Christ is for us and intercedes for us in heaven!


You, as a believer, have the Triune God on your side and you should have no question why Paul will say what he does in the rest of the chapter, especially vs:37.




Ų      8:35 Paul's final question!  [and a most profound one]

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?





-  Paul lists 7 areas, types of things that the Christian might experience in our life;


#1  tribulation  qli/yij   (thilipsis)  quite a broad word for pressure



#2  distress   stenocwri,a( (stenochoria)  was used to define a narrow space; things are closing in on us, are putting the squeeze on us;


#3  persecution   diwgmo.j   (diogmos)  [vb. Diwkw  (dioko)  idea of pursuit, to chase after  with a view to harm;]  pursuit by ones enemies;



#4  famine   limo.j   (limos)  deprivation of food;



#5  nakedness   gumno,thj  (gumnotes) idea is that of being totally destitute;   extreme poverty;



#6  peril  ki,ndunoj  (kidunos)   Paul's peril list  2 Cor. 11:26-27



#7  sword   ma,cairaČ  (machaira) Acts 12:1-2;  Heb 11:37;