Lesson 109

Romans Chapter Eight         

Freedom in Christ through the Holy Spirit

The Dynamic for living the Christian Life






8:27  Continues the ministry of the Holy Spirit

and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is,

1 Sam. 16:7; 1 Chr. 28:9; Heb 4:13;


The Father knows exactly what the Spirit is communicating to Him, since He knows His thinking.



The H/S through his aiding us in our prayer, is the intercessor within us, right now in our life.



  B.L.:  We often, not just when under pressure, fail to know what we  ought to be praying for and how to adequately voice our requests, the Spirit is there and communicates them for us.  Grace resource!  [must be in fellowship]





Rom 8:28   Common knowledge of the Saints that leads to having a right Mental Attitude





Do we have a Rom 8:28 mentality??



- Wider context here in Rom 8 is one of sin and suffering; we live in a world totally impacted by sin and suffering.


We do not control the undeserved suffering, or the CHP's that we might face in this life but we do have everything to say about how we respond to them;


We are here, in this life, for what purpose?  We are here to bring honor and glory to Him who loved and sent His uniquely born Son to die for us and we are here to bear witness to that fact.


 Rest of Context breaks down this way;

#1.  Control of God  8:28a.  [should be encouragement]

#2.  Purpose of God  8:28b

#3.  People of God, who are they  8:29-30


#1.  Control of God  8:28a.


"And we know..."  says that we need in the light of the present situations, the circumstances that we are facing,  we need to know some doctrine, some truth.




*  What we "know" that is the facts of God's truth;  are not profitable to us unless we believe them;  so that they are indelibly a part of our F/O/R; and we are willing to apply them.



- oi=da is also put in the emphatic position in the text; By doing that Paul is saying that the theme here is based on fact not feeling.   Not on emotions.



* What we "know" that is the facts of God's truth, His revelation to us;  are not profitable to us unless we believe them;  so that they become indelibly a part of our F/O/R; and we are willing to apply them;  to be obedient to the Word of God.  Heb. 4:2


The believer w/o an extensive F/O/R of truth is like a ship with out a rudder; has no direction in life; headed for a shipwreck.



"And we know that.. God causes all things to work together for good;"

KJV, NKJV; "And we know that all things work together for good."

-  slight difference in the force of translation;




What's the "all things" refer to?




When you take that CHP, that test that your facing and mix it together with what you KNOW, doctrine, the truth from the Word of God, then there is a result, an end.




- God takes the circumstance of life and His word communicated and believed and applied to come together to provide for His own.


Result = "for good."




The verse does not say or even imply that all things are good!




What is "good?"



God is the only source of good and therefore God is the only definer of good.



Corrected Translation to this point:  And we know that to the ones who love God, He works  together [blends/mixes together] all things resulting in good, [from God's viewpoint].






What we should be learning here.

1.   We know some facts, some knowledge;  oi=da common knowledge of taught believers. 




2.   That it is only believers in view is seen in the phrase  - to those who love God.