Romans Chapter One                                 Lesson 3 






#3 The designation = set apart for the gospel of God.

- set apart      apo + orizw  mark off by a boundary/limits;   compound = to mark off from others by boundaries;


Paul was separated by God from all of mankind for his apostleship;    Gal 1:15-16


- Paul recognized that he was in the office not on the basis of his own merit or by association with others.


That his commissioning is in view is indicated by the use of the perfect tense of set apart; 





In summary vs:1 presents Paul as belonging to a divine master; [Jesus Christ];  fulfilling a divine office [apostle]; and proclaiming a divine message [the gospel of God]






As Paul mentions the "gospel of God" he begins a sort of rabbit trail;  an expansion or further defining of the focus of the gospel in vs:2-3a;

When he gets to His Son in v.3 he goes off again through v.5.



He sets up these rabbit trails with 3 prepositional phrases;

- through His prophets   dia,  the How

- in the holy Scriptures  en   the Where

- concerning His Son   peri  the Who



The roots of salvation did not begin with Jesus and His incarnation, but with OT promise.

vs:2 "which He promised before hand through His prophets in the holy Scriptures"



#1 He promised, that is, God promised; gives us the source of truth, source of the gospel;




#2 The agency through which this gospel came was His prophets; they were the channel through which this revelation came;  His prophets.



- To question the inspiration of Scripture is a very subtly says that God is incapable of getting His message to mankind into Scripture.  



* The construction here emphasizes that God is personally involved in and the authority behind the promise and the gospel is the fulfillment of that hope inspired in man by the prophets in Scripture.


#3 The truth of God recorded in human language is found in holy Scriptures.  



When the gospel in promise form was believed, it was effective for salvation. Rem: salvation is always by faith!


- This promise of the gospel would extend then to include the words of the prophets and the sacrificial system of Israel.


- Rom 15:8-9a links this promise to the OT fathers and the incarnation and work of Christ.


The typology like the raised up serpent spoken of in Numb 21:8-9;  tie;    Jn 3:14-15


* The last prep.  phrase details for us where the gospel is revealed.

- "in the holy Scriptures"  this is equivalent to "according to the Scriptures" in  1 Cor 15:3-5.



That it is referred to as the Holy Scripture [no def. art] calls us to the character of the Scriptures,  it is like no other. 


What this is saying is that what God has said, promised, is in the written word, therefore what God says is what the Word says!